Monday, September 27, 2010

Achtung! Internet readers beware! People are deliberately misleading you online. Here’s why…

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Psst…….. Michelle Obama is a lesbian who brings
adolescent girls to the White House and Camp David!

Hillary Rodham Clinton seduced Tom Cruise at her
private chalet in Russian River, California! Bill Clinton
is never invited there!

President Obama has moved over $4 billion of your
taxpayer dollars to Switzerland where he has a secret
bank account!

Hot "news" like this can be found any hour of the day
online… as one "insider" story after another, each more
scintillating, titillating, and scurrilous than the last
catches fire online and captures your attention.

Problem is, every single one of these "hot insider facts" is
not only wrong, but is deliberately invented (like the ones above)
to suit the purposefully invidious and always selfish and self-serving purposes of the poster.

The question is: why are so many people all over the
world perverting the Internet by posting deliberately
erroneous, always hurtful, and completely false "information"?

Let’s take a look…

Maladjusted kids with too much time and Internet savvy

Did you ever make a prank telephone call when you were
in grammar school? I did… and I suspect most of you did too.
Now, however, the pranks are not directed at one person,
but at millions. And the Internet is so configured that one
maladjusted kid sitting in his basement in Kalamazoo can
(within minutes) prank the whole world. To pimple-faced
Johnny who’s a wash-out with the chicks, this is a thrill that
just won’t quit. Unfortunately, the viruses he invents and
disseminates, the misinformation he circulates are very
real and cause, as he wanted, maximum dislocation and
harm. He’s the man!

With malice towards all and charity towards none (pace
Abe Lincoln)

We live in the era of the empowered haters where daily
people as psychotic as Hitler and as malevolent as Stalin take
center stage. These people are hooligans on speed.
Shunned themselves, they are determined that the
successful of the world shall answer to them….or else.
In the "real" world, such creatures have limited influence
even if they turn into uni bombers, stalkers, and those who
(with cunning and skill) reduce their own pain by inflicting it
on the great of the land… or merely on an unfortunate soul who
happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now the
socially inept and clinically dangerous have scope for their

For such people the Internet is a dream come true….
because now, without leaving their homes, they can
hurt, really hurt, brutally hurt people who have neither
heard of them… nor offered so much as an offending
word. The empowered hooligan doesn’t care… to hurt
is his objective and if he determines to hurt… he has no
need whatsoever to justify the heinous act. He hurts, therefore
he is.

Misinformation as pay back

Got into an argument with your brother-in-law lately? Got
cut off on the turn pike and wrote down the license plate
number? Chastised by your boss in front of your colleagues
(never mind that he was right). Got blown off by the waitress
you made a pass at? You want pay-back, and you want it

Voila! The Internet’s at hand. Post! Publish! Hurt them…
feel vindicated, powerful, happy. Such commentary, posted
by the vengeful daily, floods the Internet. These comments are
invariably abusive, misspelled…and anonymous. You want
to hurt the boss all right… you want to show that girl to be
sure… but hold the name with the mayo. Cut them down to
size… but never,ever tell them who you actually are. Hurt and
hide, the coward’s formula through history.

"Expose" your competitors by riding in on your white

This is a biggie. In business? Got successful competitors?
In a hurry for success? Then use the Internet to besmirch
your competitors. Make up "confidential" information about
them. Pose as the readers’ friend… let them in on the "secret"
about your competition. What matter that every word you
post is made up…. when YOU can benefit from the lie. Paint with
broad strokes: use innuendo, suggestion, go for the big lie.
Poor as you are, hiding behind email and anonymity, you
have license to prevaricate.

This format is used regularly by people in a hurry, by
the corner cutters, the self-appointed "truth tellers",
and by people with an axe to grind. They know that
online they can not only appear to be virtuous but
ride to the top of the search engines on the coat tails
of their well-known competitors. Such messages are a magnet
for the gullible and the credulous, for people whose "business" is to
manipulate the lazy and uniformed from whom they conjure money without compunction — and then disappear, the privilege of the harlot throughout the ages.

Bait and switch

Back in the good old days of mail order there was a famous
ad that ran


Now that I’ve got your attention, let me tell you
about our terrific air conditioners.

A variety of this ad is launched daily on the net
which is why ads like the one with Hillary Clinton above
are created. Sex, as every marketer knows, sells. And
the more licentious and lubricious the better, no matter
than the message is false from start to end.

Reader Beware!

Today you will be the recipient of online lies, smut, and
vulgarity. That is why today you must be chary and cautious
about what you choose to believe and the judgements you

* Ask yourself whether what you are reading is likely.
If the claim is outrageous and exaggerated, it is unlikely
to be true.

* Is the claim signed? Is someone willing to take
responsibility? If not, it is hearsay and rumor in which
case who is benefiting from it?

* Has the person attacked been given the chance to
respond… or is the claim advanced by one person who
attacks… but will not let his victim respond? Fairness is
never in the repertoire of the irresponsible.

* Is there a clear beneficiary for what is being written?
Is this person assailing because they will benefit thereby?
Below the surface of seeming honesty, there is always

* If the claim is attributed, does that person have anything
to lose? Established persons and institutions are responsible
at least in part because they have much to lose by being
irresponsible. Those with nothing to lose can make
the most irresponsible claims with impunity… and so they do.
That they do is a sure sign of their insignificance and

Consider the source

When I was growing up in Illinois in the ‘forties, my
father had an expression: "Consider the source." When
some comment or rumor reached us, he’d say these
words. I now think of them often as I, like you, receive
the filth and lies deliberately disseminated by those who
may be Internet savvy but are bankrupt in all other ways.
My advice to you is to ignore, beware, and in all cases
consider who is benefiting from the lies, misrepresentations,
and fabrications before us. When they cannot touch us,
the perpetrators y shrivel and die, fulminating still but powerless
and pathetic.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
go to

Friday, September 17, 2010

Recognizing and celebrating your company's unsung heroes
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Right now in your company there are "unsung heroes"
whose quiet dedication and, yes, devotion are keeping
you in business. These are the people who

* don't complain
* are present for work on time
* gladly help out as necessary
* are selfless and always focused on the good of the
business and its employees.

Every business has such people.

Every business relies on them.

Unfortunately, these fortunate businesses often
take such jewels for granted. That will never do.

1) Identify the "unsung heroes" of your company.

The better you know your employees, the easier
selecting your "unsung heroes" will be. When you
come to think about it, you'll know right away who
has done much for you and is deserving of special

2) Have a classy recognition event.

Bringing in a couple of pizzas and saying some
nice words about the employee/s in question may
be ok for ordinary "thanks", but when an "unsung hero" is
being celebrated that is most assuredly not good enough.

3) Say it with silver

For hundreds of years, important occasions have been
celebrated by the presentation of silver objects. Why?
Because silver represents value, permanence, and
something splendid to show family and friends.

Such objects must ALWAYS be sterling (not plate) and
must ALWAYS feature a celebratory inscription:

"For (name) for exemplary service since (date).
From your friends and colleagues at (name of company.)
(date of presentation.)

4) Include a check

Whenever possible, you should also present your "unsung hero"
with a check for at least $1000. Remember, you are recognizing
one of the keys to your success. Reward this valuable person

5) Hold a recognition event

Remember, for the person you are honoring, whatever you
do will quite probably be unique in her life. Thus, if you do
the thing, do the thing right. This means holding some kind of
recognition event. In our busy times, luncheons are recommended.

Have it at a local restaurant with a function room. Make sure to
get your hero's name on the facility's calendar of events .

6) Invite your hero's family and friends

Again, remember that this event will quite probably be
unique in your hero's life. Thus, make it a point to invite
family and friends to attend. Let them see in what regard
you hold the honoree.

7) Get the day declared in her honor

Every public official from the President of the United
States down has the ability to help you recognize your
"unsung hero." How?

At least 30 days before the event send a letter to

* the governor of your state, or

* the mayor of your town, or

* your state representative or state senator.

All of them have resplendent certificates readily available
into which they can insert wording provided by you.
If you ask them to attend your event to present the
certificate themselves, they may well do so! This
provides an extra level of importance.

Note: if the service of your "unsung hero" has been
particularly noteworthy, do not hesitate to write the
president. You may well get a telegram or letter or, even,
(it happens) a phone call from the president himself...
and that would surely make your event notable!

8) Take lots of pictures. Post them on your website.

This is the moment for all shutterbugs. The more
pictures you take, the better. Post them prominently on
your website.

9) Deliver heartfelt, gracious, sincere remarks.
Don't stint on the compliments.

Talk from the heart about this person and what she
has done. Remember, she has been one of the reasons
for your success. Now is the moment to say so with
grace, felicity and warmth. Be sure to record your
words and give these, too, to your star.)

Last Words

We all mean to take the time and trouble to publicly
thank and honor the good folks who keep our company
going. But life has a way of getting away from us. That's
why you need to make honoring your heroes a matter
of priority and importance. They have served you well.
Now do what is called for to recognize them for all their
services. It is right and proper.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc.,;; where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast
TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! For details
on Dr. Lant's 18 best-selling business books,
go to;

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Online Business Internet Marketing Computer - Online Business Internet Marketing Computer Strategies

Author: Internet Marketing Expert

Online Business Internet Marketing Computer

Those seeking to build an online business using internet marketing computer strategies should begin with a specific end goal in mind. And that end goal should be the complete (or complete as possible) automation of your online business. There are indeed some internet marketing computer strategies one can employ that require less work and generate somewhat equal results in the short term, but you should be planning for the long-term; and long-term success requires content rich sites with a long list of subscribers.

Let's look at two examples of online business internet marketing computer strategies. Both will use affiliate marketing and both will generate roughly the same amount of money, but one will require less work.

The first method is one that requires less work: writing articles to promote a product through an affiliate program. The articles are distributed to different directories and provide a link either directly to the product's website or automatically redirect people to the product's website from one's own domain.

The second method also uses article marketing in the same manner, except the articles link back to a website or blog with a lot of unique and relevant content, as well as an opt-in form that builds a subscriber list. Online Business Internet Marketing Computer

So, the second method clearly requires more work than the first method, but both are essentially promoting the same product and will essentially make the same amount of money. In fact, the first method may even make more money initially because the customers do not have to go through a series of complicated steps to reach the affiliate product's website.

But don't be fooled by the ease of the first method. Sure, it will make money and can be useful. But over time the usefulness and search engine popularity of your articles will wither away, leaving you only a limited period of time from which to profit. You would then be required to re-do the article writing process all over again for the same product or other products.

If you would have taken the second method, you would have built up a long list of subscribers to whom you can easily offer affiliate links, as well sell your own products to. Your website will also last a much longer time, with a lot more content. And your content-rich website will develop a community which you can continue to profit from over the long-term. Eventually this kind of situation becomes self-sustaining and automatic, requiring very little time.

Therefore, the situation at the beginning of the process seems to have reversed itself. The person using the first method will have to start another round of article writing to generate his revenue stream all over again. But the person that built the content-rich website developed a community around a large amount of relevant content that provides him a foundation from which he or she can easily promote new products with little work. Online Business Internet Marketing Computer

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About the Author

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