Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Does your dead dog smell? Reflections on marketing myths and realities from one who knows.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

In the days when I taught university level marketing, I set my eager-beaver students a task.

Write a classified or space ad... and report on how it draws and what you did to handle any responses you received. In short, this project, like my teaching in general, was never merely theoretical, detached from reality. It was real! Vital! Truthful... and often, as a result, jolting. In other words, your class project either made money... or it didn't. Much more than your grade depended on it.

The scene of the crime...

All my students were adult practitioners, that is people who were already employed in professional positions or worked in home-based businesses or on the Internet. These were people who had a strong and pressing interest in mastering marketing. These students came because they needed to learn the ins and outs of marketing... or else. To such people one had an obligation, a sacred responsibility, to speak honestly, speak candidly, and address their real world concerns.

And I did.

On one occasion, a bright professional woman (I had lots of them in my classes) had the task of presenting her classified ad to the class... explaining why she wrote the ad she wrote, where she ran it, what the results were, how she followed up the respondents, and (and it was the all-important and) how much money this ad generated.

In other words, it was all real-life stuff.

She wrote her ad, as instructed, on the chalk board, the better for us to see the words which would shortly be shown as either golden, or dross. Then I became the Joe Friday ("facts, ma'am, just the facts") of the marketing drag-net.

"When did you start running this ad?" (Specific date required.)

"Where do you run this ad?" (Specific publication or venue required.)

"How many responses did you get?" (Specific number required.)

And then the kicker...

"How much money did you make... after deducting all actual costs of running the ad and responding to respondents?" (Exact dollar figures required.)

The lady squirms...

Now the moment of high truth and full disclosure had arrived. What had started as merely a class project had become for the person reporting a matter of life and death. The ad copy, you see, would show whether she had mastered the marketing essentials that either produced bucks... and all that those bucks could buy... or not.

Everything was riding on what she reported. And she knew it...

Bad, bad, tormentingly bad.

I an inveterate reader of body language, and this student's was typical of those who wish they were in any other place on earth rather than here, the cynosure of every eye in this most unrelenting of classes. Of course I knew she was squirming, mulling over how to disclose and deliver facts which (from that all important body language) were sure to be uncongenial. So... along with every member of the class.... I waited to see what the lady would say and do.

And we waited....

Then, at last, she admitted the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... and it wasn't pretty. She had run her classified ad six times... had not had a single response... and, of course, and worst of all, hadn't made a single penny.

Now, the lady, this aspiring marketer, stood before her classmates.... abashed, humiliated, at rock bottom, a total marketing failure.

Then I told her the first essential truth of marketing: does your dead dog smell? And does it, day by day, smell worse... until the nauseating stench overpowers everything else?

The ad copy you produce is like a dog. Its job is to go out, your servant, finding and bringing home what it captures; the quarry that sustains you and gives you comfort, even excess.

No dead dogs do this... neither do ads which fail to produce responses.

The student began to get the picture.

Her ad hadn't pulled and yet she continued to use it, paying good Yankee dollars to do so.. despite the fact she KNEW the dog was dead, stinking.

Why had she done this?

First, because she was sure, absolutely sure, Her Ad Was Brilliant, the stuff of legend... she was invested in the words... certain that given a chance they would produce the desirable results; aged to perfection, like a fine vintage.

But that is a huge mistake... and now she was willing, and the entire class with her, to find the essential nubbin of truth, that made everything she had done worthwhile.

1) Marketing copy doesn't improve with age. It either works at once, immediately, or it never works at all. Dead dogs never become quick and agile again... they just stink the more.

2) ALL marketing copy, at ALL times must be evaluated, starkly , by results and nothing but results.

3) You must never, ever re-run marketing copy without knowing its previous results.

4) The entire business of marketing is about writing copy, testing copy, evaluating the results produced by this copy, then tweaking the copy to improve it and your overall results.

Marketing is and always will be an action sport... it is not for the slothful, lazy, or unassertive.

More tips

** Never, ever become invested in, beguiled by the marketing copy you create. It either works (producing responses and money), or it doesn't. Success isn't everything here... it's the ONLY thing.

** Never re-run ANY marketing copy until you are certain it works; that is, until you have money in hand.

** Trash your erroneous but deeply felt belief that you can find marketing copy which is so good, so responsive that you never have to change it, never have to do anything else with it than run it and reap perpetual rewards.

Such copy doesn't exist, never existed, and will never exist.

Marketing is the most active sport in the world. Those who win at this sport, and the rewards can be staggering, are, to a person, people who are bold, active, engaged... not sleepy-heads hoping against hope that they will find and eternally profit from a few magic words artfully strung together. Those words have never been written.

Thus, energize yourself for the marketing you must do today, for if you want the rewards of marketing you must master and remain focused on and dedicated to the unrelenting truths of marketing.

Otherwise you are hunting with a dead dog... a dog that will never produce results. It will simply stink to high heaven. And that will never do.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. He is happy to give all readers, 50,000 free guaranteed visitors for attending his live webcast today.

Republished with author's permission by Rahimah Sultan
Road Map toMarketing Success

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to research and write the cleanest, clearest, most persuasive blog copy on earth -- fast, too!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Millions of people worldwide are waking up to the fact that they are going to have a blog -- no ifs, ands, or buts. That a blog -- a personal marketing and communications device -- is no longer a luxury. If you expect to stay on the cutting edge of the 'net, you're going to be a blog publisher, or else.

If you've accepted this fact, you're on the right road. If you haven't, you're already a dinosaur... but let's, for purposes of today's discussion, suppose that you have decided to produce a blog... and want the results to be superb, meaning to create a blog that's timely, well-written, persuasive and that delivers the cash, too.

Here are some key recommendations to produce this necessary result:

1) The most effective blogs are published on a regular, announced schedule, not just when you feel like it.

This point should need no discussion... but it does. One of the major problems I see in my work with blog publishers (I write their articles for them) is that these folks still see the business of blogging as something casual, episodic, to be done when and if they have the time.


That's completely wrong. Blogs, like every other periodical on earth, must have a regular date and time they will be written and released. This gives your readers something solid to hold on to, to look forward to. You want your readers to know that you are a person of deadlines and schedules; someone they can rely on.

Stop thinking of your blog as something you can do whenever you feel like it, catch as catch can. Is this how you want your customers, your readers to see you? Not if you value their business.

2) Resolve to say Something Important in every issue of your blog.

When you see most blogs, you have to wonder why their "publishers" ever got out of bed to do them. Trivia! Drivel! Published so that their publishers can say they have a blog... rather than to say something timely! Significant! Motivating!

Now hear this: if you're one of these myopic blogsters, you're sabotaging your success. Blogs work because they deliver useful information that informs, persuades, excites and enthuses your readers... just the way all great publishers have from the very first day of the very first publisher.

Publishers present stories that lift up the readers.... and do everything in their power to create, develop, and maintain the crucial link between publisher and reader, creating prosperity for both.

3) Create the all-important blog article idea file.

Visit my office in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and you see an assembly line for the creation of intellectual property. The first crucial link in this production process is the article idea file. It's a must.

Start with a pair of good scissors and the most important newspaper in your area. Supplement this material with the most important newspaper(s) in your country. Add other specialty publications to this list, publications which follow developments in your given field.

Go through these publications regularly and cut out articles that contain information of value and interest to your readers. Make sure every one of these articles is dated... then file for future use. As you become more and more proficient at your essential blog business, you will realize the crucial significance of this article "compost heap"... and you will make it a key part of your day to add to it by wielding your scissors and cutting out the crucial story ideas and information you need.

4) Each Monday, brainstorm the articles you will need for the week.

Post your draft titles and the date you intend to do them. Remember, your blog should have a format; your articles should fit into this format. My articles, for instance, (including this one) are 3 single-spaced pages in length, about 1,500 words. A lively, timely article of this length and substance anchors your blog and gives it "heft", the feeling of importance and "must read" value.

5) Do a subject search in the major search engines.

To gather necessary background information and to see what others may have said on the topic, use the search engines assiduously. This is vital. Search engines not only post critical information on any given topic, but tell you when this information was posted. In tracking a developing story, such data are vital.

6) Always, always, always search Wikipedia (founded 2001).

Frankly, for blog publishers and researchers of every kind, Wikipedia takes the cake. As a very active blog content writer, I can confirm that I visit it every single day, and not once either. You will, too -- if you want your articles to be informative, grounded by fact and not just your opinions.

7) Write your article copy.

Articles, as noted above, should be of a particular length and format, just like various departments in other publications. These should be written in the second person ("you").

Paragraphs should be limited to 6-8 lines for easy readability; line length should be limited to 10-14 words, again for easy reading. If you bury your readers under a mountain of intimidating text, they will repay your efforts by.. skipping the arduous task you have assigned them.

8) Edit, proofread, post.

Your blog copy production line should be chugging along nicely at this point. Now's the time to polish with the finishing touches that transform a good article into a great one.

Read your article aloud. This will help you determine whether your sentences are balanced, or not; your construction difficult to comprehend, or mellifluous.

Make sure you have checked your spelling and any facts of which you're uncertain. Proofreading is a must for your credibility and the value of what you've written and will present to the world.

To conclude the production process, post the article on your website and in your blog. You are not merely a blog publisher, you are, better, a publisher, part of the great tradition. Enjoy a moment of joyful reverie, but only a minute. After all, your next deadline already looms, and you must and shall be ready.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is happy to give all readers, 50,00 free guaranteed visitors for attending his live webcast today. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.

Republished with author's permission by Rahimah Sultan
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Four things successful business people will do today... that you won't!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Friend, let's get one thing straight from the get-go. Successful people are going to do things today that you won't. Read this, and you'll discover what they are.

1) Successful people don't just let today happen.... they plan for today... yesterday!

What did you do before you left your office yesterday? If you're successful, you planned your success for today, determining your clear objectives and laying out the documents, materials, and other things you need.

In other words, you knew what you'd need, and you had it readily at hand so you could, without special effort, pick up first thing today what you so carefully planned.... yesterday.

Organization, a constant focus on time management and efficiency, not caffeine, are what the successful bring to the table. They cannot and do not consider yesterday concluded... until it is organized as the spring board to a successful today.

2) Email a stupendous offer just before you leave your work.

Want to walk in tomorrow to sales? To lots of great prospect leads?

Then email a terrific offer BEFORE you leave.

Most people, bushed, fatigued, tired, upon leaving their offices are contemplating the pleasures of the rest of today. But not the successful.

Successful people are mad keen on organization and efficiency... and constant bank account pleasing cash flow. They know that today's dollars are the result of yesterday's offers. Successful business people force themselves to stay, no matter how tired they are, no matter how pleasurable the day's forthcoming events, until they have crafted the stunning offer that ensures cash flow throughout the hours they are not present.

This offer must be a lollapalooza... the best yet.

As I write, much of the United States, much of the rest of the world is mired in an anaemic economic recovery that is, at best, just limping along.

Yet, by staying focused at all times on the main event, successful business people will flourish and achieve even the most ambitious of business and financial goals.

The key is having cash readily at hand.... and the means to generate more.... at will.

This means offers, better offers, the best offers, never-ending offers.

Because you will be tired at the end of the day, craft your end-of-day offers earlier. To ensure that it delivers the big success you insist upon, shape that offer when your mind is fresh and your abilities keen. Aim to make your offer better than you have ever made before; aim to make it a stunner, head turning, a cash gusher.

What the most successful business people know is that cash is king, especially when other people, people who do not have and do not use such offers, don't have it. If you focus as on your #1 Priority the shaping and constant sending of eye-popping offers you will have the cash, and thus the freedom, your less focused and clever colleagues lack and will always lack.

3) Call three prospects who have been hanging on the fence, uncertain about buying, and tell them you have the talking turkey offer of all times... if they will act now.

Offers come in many shapes and sizes... but one thing they all have in common is the "act now" factor. Offers to work must have deadlines... and the very best offers mean prompt, immediate response... no dithering allowed.

Most people, you see, even most business people, dither, offering excuses when decisive action is called for. In fact most people are not decision makers; rather, they are decision avoiders. The offer is made for such people, for only a truly superior offer will get these torpid ones to act at all, much less act on your speedy schedule.

Now, be honest. Did you, before leaving your office yesterday, call at least three people with a special, once-in-a-lifetime, knock 'em, sock 'em offer?

Or did you just turn off the lights and lock the door?

Want money?Then outline a "for my best customers" offer... and call them to discuss it. (You may also use email to send the offer... but never expect such an email to close the deal. For that the phone is the key).

Pick up the phone, I say, and, upon reaching these prime (if delaying) prospects, verbally embrace them, "Mary, you and I have been in contact for many years. I was thinking of you and wanted to make you a spectacular offer. Have you got a minute?" Then deliver the offer of offers, tellingly delivered, resoundingly delivered, convincingly delivered. This is a Special Offer.... for a Special Person. Deliver it accordingly.

4) Select 5 customers and give them a special unexpected gift.

People have always liked and will always like to get presents. It makes us feel wanted, warm inside. The most important people in your business are your customers; we all know that. However, what have you done lately to warm the cockles of their hearts? Not much, right? Change that today.

Pick a few customers, 5 is a good number, and give them a special gift, report, some free product, any kind of emolument... something that says simply, honestly, "I value you!" Then send it out.

Your customers will be pleased, gratified, impressed. No wonder. In our busy world, too few take even a little time to do the right thing; that thing that identifies you as a quality individual, well deserving of such customers. Out of the enhanced good will such valued offerings engender will come business, lots of business. You deserve it.

Are you going to be the business success you say you want?

You now know what to do. The question, therefore, is whether you will do it,and when.

24 hours from now, as you reflect upon this day, you will know just how successful you will be, based on what you have (or have not) done. It won't take any longer than that to see how well you're going to do. You see, now as always, the success you get (or forego) will be upon the actions you take and how well you do them. In short, it's all about you.

Bon voyage.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant's is also the author of best-selling business books.

Republished with author's permission by Rahimah Sultan
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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Seven things you must NEVER say to yourself if you want MAXIMUM business and personal success

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

You've heard it and said it since you were a kid: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." That's definitely true if you are the recipient of the words... but absolutely wrong if you are the sender. You see, language completely defines who you are, what you will do, and the level of success you can achieve. If "you are what you eat," it is also absolutely true "You are what you say."

That's why I've identified 7 key phrases that are holding you back, 7 phrases which you must IMMEDIATELY eradicate from your speech as they threaten your success!

1) "I'll do it tomorrow."

Want success? Then understand that "tomorrow" is the enemy of "today." How many people do you know who have a "manana" mentality, always willing to put off until tomorrow that which could so easily be done today.

People who succeed in life are people who do today what can be done today, never allowing themselves the luxury of postponement. These words, then, must be the first to expunge ... and never allow your brain to think. "Carpe diem" must forever be your guide.

2) "I'll make do."

Now hear this: successful people never "make do." Making do is for people who have convinced themselves that they will be happy with less. This, of course, is the direct opposite of what truly successful people think, say, and do.

To the successful, "making do" means imposing restrictions on who you are and what you could achieve if you made achievement, rather than its opposite, your objective. No great thing, no worthy thing, no meaningful or awesome thing has ever emerged when the person in charge said these words. So banish them at once from your vocabulary; if you keep them you will surely get the less you say satisfies and nothing more. Is that what you want?

3) "I'm a survivor."

Initially this may seem positive, but upon further thought you will come to see how invidious this phrase really is. No successful person is merely a survivor; such people do not merely continue to exist (which is what survival means). Instead, they ascend beyond mere existence to the superior state of flourishing.

Thus, instead of touting the mere ability to get by, give yourself a better objective by saying: "I am not merely a survivor. Instead I flourish." (Note: Floreat Etona is the motto of England's most prestigious and influential school, the school that has provided generations of leaders. Let the slogan work its magic for you, too.)

4) "I'm fixing to do it."

Take a close look at these words.

They do not say "I am doing it."

They say "I'm thinking about getting around to doing it."

Now, it should be obvious that truly successful people don't brag about how they are "about" to do something. No, indeed. These people, the people we want to be like and emulate, are people who are masters of "do". And you must be, too. Drop "fixin" from your vocabulary forthwith.

5) "Working on it."

Here's another deceptive phrase which makes non English speakers scratch their heads in bafflement. The phrase, you see, seems to mean one thing, but actually means quite another.

"Working on it" means the complete reverse. It does not mean that a thing is being attended to, completion in sight. It means, instead, that the thing in question is not being attended to, has not been started, and that no completion date can be seen because none has been set. Oh, my!

"Working on it" is a phrase beloved of procrastinators, the slothful and slow-walkers worldwide because it gives them cover for the work they are assuredly are not doing and the success they will not achieve because of it.

6) "It's good enough for me."

This potent phrase has destroyed success for millions worldwide, generation after generation. Success means constant application, work, a vivid striving after success and the thrill that comes from having achieved it.

By contrast, the minute you utter the word "enough" you have signalled an end to absolutely everything necessary to achieve success, including success itself.

"It's good enough" could hardly be worse for your aspirations, strangling success in its cradle and leaving you with crumbs. "There is nothing quite so bad," wrote the insightful Oscar Wilde, "as that which is good enough." This is why you must banish this corrosive phrase at once. Only the good can be good enough for you!

*7) "I could never do that."

Are you one of the legions of people who use these killer words? Be advised: success cannot flourish in this inhospitable terrain.

People who demand success empower themselves by creating an environment where the goal of success is never undercut by the words they use and the thoughts they think. For such people, the keynote is positive potential, not instantaneous death by your own hand.

You see, if you say you cannot do the thing in question, then most assuredly you will not achieve that thing. As Henry Ford, master of the practical, the richest man of his time, rightly said: "You think you can. You think you can't. Either way you're right."

Last Words

Success at the best of times is generally difficult to achieve. Why, then, make it even more difficult by sabotaging yourself, diminishing success by empowering failure? Your thoughts, your words are your realities. Negative words, restricting words, words that sabotage rather than improve and inspire must be rooted out and destroyed.

YOU must create for yourself an environment where the total focus, including every word you utter, facilitates achievement and does not handicap it. Start by eradicating these 7 invidious phrases, replacing them with those that enrich, improve... and never impede. At once, your trek to success becomes decidedly easier. Yes, you are on your way!

This astonishing phrase is dynamite, a sure-fire indicator that the person who thinks and utters it will have the most meager portion of success. In short, it undermines, sabotages and otherwise strangles the very possibility of success.

What stimulates success is the keen desire to be better, to have better, to live better.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling books.

Republished with author's permission by Rahimah Sultan
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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

How to get thousands and thousands of responses to your blog... and what to do when you get 'em.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Of course you already have a blog, right? You are, I mean, on the cutting edge of the Internet, yes?

Well, if you are still blog-less today is indeed your lucky day, because I am going to show you right here, right now how to use your blog to get not a few but a positive avalanche of the best prospect leads on earth. And the great thing is, you can start today, this very minute.

Now affirm and reaffirm this: when you're in business, running a business blog, the objective is and always will be to generate terrific prospect leads... and follow them up to make money.

It's easy to forget the objective when you're publishing a blog which can all too easily be seized by the shear joy and vanity of seeing your name in print. Folks, if you need lovin' and crave adulation get a dog. They give unqualified affection. But don't subvert the purpose of your blog.

Nothing sells itself, absolutely nothing.

I have amongst my marketing students some of the very brightest people around... and when they make a mistake, I know the pedestrian run of mankind and marketers are making it, too, in spades.

One of the most rooted errors of these folks is the pernicious, invidious notion that their blog and its contents will sell themselves; that what they are promoting and selling in their blogs needs no introduction, nor powerful words of recommendation; it's good enough on its lonesome.

In a word: rubbish! In two words: complete rubbish!

Dear friend, there is nothing in this world, not the policies and messages of presidents, popes, and sovereign kings; not the very finest example of the most potent of salubrious medications; not the safest swiftest modes of transportation.... absolutely nothing sells itself.

Once you have realized this essential truth of business, you enter a new, higher level of commerce and marketing... for you are now a puffer in the Great Age of Puffery.... and your daily objective is clear: to puff better, more artfully, more carefully, more successfully than any other puffers on this planet. He (or she) who puffs the most, the best, reaps the most.

Thus, say you intend tomorrow to publish a jim dandy article on some subject of note and significance. The duffer puffer, the one on the bottom of the marketing heap, merely publishes the article, with this unvoiced sentiment: "Here's the article. Make of it what you will. I can't be bothered to tell you why you should read it... perhaps I don't even know."

And some dare call this marketing.

Now, try this instead...

(puff the day before you publish the article.)

Tomorrow, you readers have an incredible gift coming. I persuaded internationally known author and commentator Dr. Jeffrey Lant to let me have, in advance of publication, his latest article. It details the truth about the relationship of Snow White with those with-it guys, the 7 Dwarfs. You won't believe what one of the most perceptive commentators around has discovered about Snow... and those Dwarfs. Can you say 'Happy.' You certainly will tomorrow...."

With these fast-moving words, you are keeping your audience, your present and future customers all, on the very edge of their seats. You want them in a pother of anticipation and excitement about What Happens Next. You, cleverkins, are ascending in the crucial business of puffery; selling the sizzle, not the steak. And you're frolicking all the way to the bank.

Remember, puffing is not something occasional or episodic. It is not merely one essential thing in marketing; it is the essential thing and it must be regarded accordingly... from this moment on. Let me make this point absolutely, crystal clear:

If you want to sell a product, you must puff it.

If you want to sell your service, you must puff it.

If you want a person to read your blog, you must puff it.

If you want that same person to read an article in that blog, you must puff it.

Get the picture?

A few more hints

Your puffs must appear prominently in your blog, at least 1 at the top of the first page.

They must be short, enticing, action oriented. They must radiate a single imperative message: Look at all you get, look how delicious it is, grab it, grab it now...'

Here's another example.

"Wow! I'm ecstatic to tell you that I've snagged another one of Dr. Lant's superb articles. Yesterday nearly 400 of you smarties emailed me with your thanks, congratulations, and sincere appreciation for his last insightful article. Now I've got another for you. Stay tuned... you'll have it in just HOURS. Make sure to email me at once with your reactions and compliments... it's another winner!!! You can reach me by email (email address here); cell phone (number here)... or land line (number here.) And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you!"

You must get on with the essential business of puffing each and every day, without exception, that you want money.

And, I guarantee you, that as you improve in your puffery, you will improve your prospect responses, dramatically.

And your bottom line? Why that will improve, too, and dramatically so if and only if you follow up each and every response, as quickly as possible, with a special offer. In other words, thank the respondents, thank them as soon as possible... and always give them a thing (or two) which makes you money. Thus are you benefited as you benefit your fast-responding prospects.

There are many things, of course, which factor into consummate blog success. They include

* having good content, interesting, practical, timely;

* publishing according to a schedule, never missing a deadline;

* writing directly to your readers, always using "you";

* keeping every word of text short, peppy, upbeat,

* and, always and forever, every single day, puffing.

Because if you don't puff, if you do not encourage, recommend, admonish, excite, and motivate you are leaving the crucial act of marketing in the hands of those least able to discern for themselves what to do. That decision must be yours. You and only you must advance the necessary reasons for acting as you want them to act. That crucial aspect of marketing belongs to you... and you must do this every time you want results. Like today.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.

Republished with author's permission by Rahimah Sultan
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