Friday, March 07, 2008

Are You A Workaholic
Copyright © Rahimah Sultan

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If people are always commenting on the amount of time you spend working or you find yourself constantly thinking about your work, then you may be a workaholic, and you might need to change the way you approach this dilemma so that you can relax and reduce the stress in your life. Regardless of where you work, from home or not, putting in long hours soon becomes counter productive and emotionally unfulfilling.

Even though you may be extremely behind working ten or twelve hours a day may not help you catch up, since there will always be more for you to accomplish. Learning to break this routine will take time and discipline, although with a little practice, you’ll be able to find a balance between your work and the other components of your life.

One step you can take toward reducing the amount of time you spend working is to limit yourself to an eight-hour day, if you work at home. So, create a schedule and stick to it to prevent burnout. If you work for someone else, you may need to restructure your time and prioritize your duties in order to complete things without having to put in longer days. With a demanding job, consider not volunteering to complete tasks that are not your responsibility and delegating to others. This should reduce the amount of time spent at the office.

Another thing you can do is stop taking your work home with you. While some exceptions can be made, as a rule, you should leave all work at the office and forget about it until the next day. If you work at home, shut off your computer, leave your office and close the door, do some household chores or take a walk to unwind after your eight-hour day.

Finally, you can relax when not working by visiting friends, taking up a hobby, or taking a nap. There are plenty of activities you can engage in when not at work. Instead of focusing on what’s left to do, focus on what you’re presently involved in and stay in the moment and enjoy it, as you can never retrieve that time.

Being able to strike a balance between work and other parts of your life will not always come easy, however being a workaholic is very unhealthy emotionally, physically, and intellectually. You will be more productive when you give yourself a chance to relax each evening and on the weekends.

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