Tuesday, August 04, 2009

What Is Twitter? by Stephen Pierce

Do you know what Twitter is about? Twitter is a free social networking service in which people can post quick updates on their Twitter site. Many people are taking advantage of this because it's a way to get to know other people that have the same interests as you.
In order to start, you have to sign up for a free account. It is simple to do and only takes a few minutes to set up. In order to get traffic to your Twitter website, you have to send "tweets".

Tweets are short posts that you send to your account for others to see. You are only allowed to write your tweets with using 140 characters. Other people that see your tweets are called followers. If they are interested in what you have to say, they in turn, will tweet back to you.

You can tweet on Twitter about different things. Some of the topics include sports, advertising, cooking, weight loss and the list goes on and on. There is no set way as to how you should tweet.

However, when you do tweet, it's better if your posts are meaningful and have substance. People like to read about things that interest them. With 140 characters to work with for each tweet, you are hard pressed to send something that will peak your follower's interest.

Twitter can also be used for marketing and promoting of your business. However, you must be subtle about it when you are doing this. You don't want to start out promoting your business as soon as you sign up for an account.

Your motives will be easily discovered and you won't have many followers. It's better if you establish a relationship with your followers and then promote your business. They will appreciate that you thought that much of them not to take advantage of the situation.

With Twitter, everyone is not going to reciprocate when you send out a tweet. Whenever you are tweeting, it's important not to complain or gripe about other people to your followers. They get turned off very quickly and will not come back to your site.

Twitter is a good tool for networking and cultivating relationships. People like it because they are able to connect with others in ways that they may not be able to do otherwise. You will be able to make connections all around the world by continuing to tweet posts that are of interest to others. It has become the new way of effectively communicating through social networking.


About the Author

Stephen Pierce, the #1 Internet Wealth Advocate, has been featured on Fox News, CNN, NBC, ABC, CW, Daystar, MyTV, Daytime and dozens of other shows talking to millions about the power of Twitter and the exact steps on how to generate profits from "Tweeting". Visit http://www.twittermoneytree.net for more information.

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