Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Tongue-in-Cheek Article Writing Advice
Copyright © Rahimah Sultan

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I thought I'd try my hand at something different to end the year.

I awoke at about 6:42 am Christmas Eve. I had a thought… hummm.. ominous or should I say promising, especially since it was so early in the morning. My thoughts generally disappear by the time I get out of bed and hit the floor running!

Of course, the thought probably occurred because I went to bed thinking about needing to write a blog post, which kind of proves that if you ask for resolution to a problem just prior to going to sleep, your subconscious will work on it for you and most likely come up with a solution, although it might not always be so immediate.

The thought….

What about taking a subject already posted and writing an article that’s the antithesis of it, sort of.

Thought number two was, how the heck am I going to do that!? You know one thing always leads to another.

Well, I got up, and surprisingly, the first thought stayed with me, and I began to think it was doable. My brain went off on its own tangent.

So, here goes my experiment. It’s now Christmas evening, and my subconscious has been mulling over thought number one all day, I’m sure. You know the subconscious never takes a break.

A short while back, I posted an article to my blog titled “3 Ways to Refresh Old Topics.” It was authored by someone else.

The author references a particular axiom. I’ve used my own version of it, all my adult life, when I’ve been asked “What’s new?” I’ve always replied, “Nothing. We just haven’t discovered it all yet.”

So, on with point one.

Author: “Update Your Topic for the Current Season or Year”

Me: Backdate your topic for a past season or year? I and the Baby Boomers might be able to relate. I and numerous others pre-date the Boomers. :-)

Author: “Women's magazines have been doing this for years. The types of stories tend to be along a few themes which have proved popular with readers…

…articles around a broader theme, such as the Holiday Season. The stories may focus on decorating techniques, preparing special meals, shopping, budgeting… some way to hook the reader's interest by making it relevant to something which reflects a question or a concern they are currently dealing with.”

Me: Update to my “backdate” – Avoid large shopping malls and stores like the plague, especially on Black Friday!

Author: “Use a News Story to Capture Your Reader's Interest”

“… use current events as a lead in to whatever you would like to share with your reader… makes your niche content timely and interesting… can be a great source of statistics and other information… to refresh your old topics.”

“… sharing the results of an annual survey… discussing which person or company won an award…. a great lead-in to a topic… immediately provides your audience with something new to consider and you can follow up the first paragraph or two with some further information to flesh out the topic some more.”

Me: News flash. At present, my news story and current event is getting this blog post finished. I have no statistics to back up my tardiness—procrastination? Now, there are statistics for that, I suppose, although I can’t put my finger on any at the moment.

Author: “Find a New Angle”

“When you are updating your content or website, resist the urge to reinvent the wheel…. You already have a bare bones topic… what if you considered your topic from the point of view of different age groups, men v. women… people living in different part of the country…”?

“Get Google Alert updates… get email updates and RSS feeds…. They will give you some different ideas about how you can share information about your niche topic… other people's content on the same topic can open up new avenues to explore with your own marketing.”

Me:I’ve found a new angle—an antithesis experiment.

In summary, I think it’s good to try something different in order to keep the creative juices flowing. Speaking of juices—I have had nothing to drink today other than water and coffee. So this article comes from the mind of the all present me.

Do comment on this article if you’re so inclined.

About the Author: See Profile
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