Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Autoresponders - Why You Should Use One
By Guy Salter

OK so you've chosen a domain name, bought some hosting and your site is live and starting to get seen by the search engines, visitors are browsing it and bit by bit content is being added and the level of interest in your field is growing. You need a way to stay in touch with your audience and let them know you're going to help them as much as you can.

How do you do this?

With an autoresponder service like Aweber which enables marketing by email.

This has got to be one of the best tools at your disposal to do just that. If you're wondering what is an autoresponder, or are unfamiliar with how they work, read on. At some point you may have landed on a webpage then a few seconds later a separate window (often referred to as a squeeze page) appears offering a free report or newsletter, just enter your name and email address and we'll send you XYZ special report completely free.

Sound familiar?

The webmaster behind this is aiming to get you to subscribe to his or her weekly newsletter by offering something free as an incentive for you to join. It makes no difference what the subject is about; it can be anything from health and fitness to cooking or martial arts to fishing. If you have a wealth of knowledge on something, by using an autoresponder you can deliver your messages in a timely manner, daily, every other day, weekly and so on to keep your audience informed and up to date on what you're all about.

By utilizing a follow up service this way, you are building trust in the mind of your prospect with a view to them becoming a much bigger part of your mission, providing you treat them as you like to be treated yourself, respectfully.

What can you expect to see happen when you make full use of such a service?

At first glance subscribers, but over time some of those subscribers could turn out to be very devoted people to your cause, even leading to some new business contacts which in turn may develop into a new concept which proves to be fruitful for all involved. You never know what's around the corner.

A big part of making this work in your favour is in getting to know your audience and asking them what they want, their opinions, feedback and suggestions. Once armed with this new information you can continually strive to improve your efforts in helping them with their needs which makes for a win win situation.

Why not get started with an autoresponder service such as aweber which has all the built in tools ready for you to put to use and let everyone know what you're up to and start getting subscribers.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Guy_Salter

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