Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Affiliate Marketing Tips For Newbies To Follow To Avoid Early Burnout


I'm going to share some affiliate marketing tips that will no doubt go against the normal stuff that you read online.

However these tips that I'll be sharing will save you from burnout.

I can't guarantee that it will save you from frustration because no matter what affiliate or network marketing business you are in there is always some level of frustration.

Oh one more thing before I do. I'm coming from a perspective if you are building a list and just promoting different affiliate products.

If your goal is just to do Click Bank all day long without building a list then this is not the best article for you.

That being said lets get right into these affiliate marketing tips.

4 Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners To Follow To Avoid Burnout

1. Don't promote just anything

Yes I said it, don't just promote something for the sake of promoting it. Too many affiliate marketers get started, maybe with Click Bank, find a product, and then start promoting it.

They've done no research, have no clue what it does more than likely. They just sell it so they can make money.

I remember I bought a lead scraper product. I initially bought it because it paid a $300 commission. As the months went by I began to think this was a waste. Although it may be a good product for the right person I don't believe in it.

And this brings me to point #2.

2. Be confident in what you are promoting

The only way you can be confident in what you are promoting is if you have the product. It's called integrity. I learned that back when I started full time in the direct sales industry.

You had to be a product of the product. If I was selling life insurance to a couple I better had been convinced that it was worth selling. So I had to have it.

I remember when I used to manage a Sprint kiosk. I knew for the most part if a new hire was going to make it or not whether or not they used Sprint service.

One of the many questions customers will ask a sales person is if they have it themselves. I would proudly whip out my phone and show them that I did.

There's something different about how easy sales come when you promote what you believe in.

3. Stop promoting things that pay small commissions

This is probably one of the biggest affiliate marketing tips that I can share. We all start a career in online marketing whether its through affiliate marketing, network marketing, blogging, whatever.

Nothing is more frustrating than going through all the frustrations of actually making a sale only to see that you got paid a small weeny commission. How demoralizing is that?

It leaves you with barely any motivation whatsoever. And there are THOUSANDS of seasoned and new affiliate marketers out there that are experiencing that same thing.

Such a tragedy until now.

4. Get off everybody's list

Think about this. You are a newbie. Every week or month there always seems to be a new product launch.

If you keep getting these emails about this product and that product and why you should buy it then promote it to your list, guess what's going to happen to you?

Especially since you are new to the game and have no clue what you are doing.

You are going to spend a lot of your money, not use what you bought, try to slam whatever list you do have, not make money, then say this affiliate marketing thing doesn't work, and go off and buy another course that promises to solve that problem.

It's an endless cycle that you can actually avoid if you follow my 4 Affiliate marketing tips for beginners.

Now let's play devils advocate. Let's say you did build a list fast. Here's what happens when you keep promoting all these different affiliate programs, you dilute your list.

They'll get tired of seeing all these sales pitches and unsubscribe.

Or if they don't and they end up buying whatever you are selling, then guess what?

They are now on that guru's list which means their focus is taken from you and now they are getting more and more emails.

A confused mind does nothing.

Remember that.

I WISH I had known this when I got started online back in 2008.

Heck I didn't know the last part that I share with you until earlier this year.

Now I don't even promote anybodys else's product except one.

And my list only gets emails about how I can help them, how my affiliate product can solve their problem, and how they don't have to worry about earning small commissions, they can earn huge commissions.

That's my word.

I realize that there's money in the list and I don't want to promote something just for the sake of promoting to earn a quick sale and mess up my relationship.

So hopefully I was able to share some great information that you the newbie will listen to.

About the Author

If you want to see the affiliate marketing program that I promote that is valuable, I 100% believe in it, pays a big 100% commission, and adheres to all the affiliate marketing tipsclick here.

Article Originally Published On: http://www.articlesnatch.com

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