Friday, May 03, 2013

Why New Marketers Should Love Unsubscribers

If you are like most new marketers you just dread logging into your autoresponder and seeing that you have lost list members due to them unsubscribing. There are some good reasons to look forward to getting unsubscribes.

The only way you’ll never have unsubscribes is to never send an email. If you are not going to use the list why go through the effort of building one.

To unsubscribe a person has to at least open the email and click the unsubscribe link. That means your headline worked. But if you’re using dishonest headlines such as you have money waiting, your account status, or other such headlines people will unsubscribe. If you are using a headline that matches your email and it gets opened, then that headline has worked for you.

Another reason people unsubscribe has to do with personality. Not everyone is going to like you or your writing style. If they don't like your style you’ll never be able to build a relationship with them. You need a relationship in order to sell to them. So each unsubscribe will make your list more targeted to people who actually like your style and are more likely to respond positively to your offers that meet their needs.

So there’s no need to dread seeing people unsubscribe from your list. Just remember that you’re actually making your list stronger and more profitable for you in the long run, because you’ll be building a relationship with members who will respect you.

Click Here For More Information

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