Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ways to Thrive in any Economy

I happened across this article at Copyblogger that I like and think is worth the read. It focuses on the current economic situation and big changes and people’s reaction to it. Even though the environment can change drastically, human nature basically remains the same. The article focuses on four ways to thrive in any economy.

It’s in our nature to be entrepreneurs, to create something of value and then exchange it for something we want. During the Industrial Revolution only a few knew how to run factories, so the rest had to become the trained workers.

During the current uncertain economic crisis more entrepreneurs are emerging. So how does one deal with this 21-century economy? You could do what entrepreneurs have done since the dawn of history.

1) Use the human drive to determine your own fate. Work hard, keep your eyes open and make your own luck.

2) Use great ideas. Today’s marketplace requires, among other things, valuable and useful information, digital tools and education. They don’t require a workforce. You can find out just what customers need and package it.

3) The village has been your customer in the past and is so still. Your reputation and you are one and the same as with the ancients. But if you mess up now, there’s social media to bad mouth you. What you create has to reflect caring.

4) Use your DNA, the nature to be entrepreneurs. Not everyone will become an information entrepreneur, but you can if you choose to.

“Embrace the entrepreneurship that’s in your DNA. Keep your eyes open for problems to solve and markets to serve. And buckle up. Like every exciting ride, this one’s got a few hairpin curves.”

Click to read article

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