Saturday, October 26, 2013

5 Reasons Blogging is Good for the Marketing Soul

  • You've heard the expression "everything old is new again." Born in the 1990s, blogging began as the purview of teens and techies who wanted to keep a digital journal of their lives. Platforms like Open Diary, LiveJournal and Blogger were created to make the process easier.

    Political blogs came to prominence in the late 90s, thanks to the likes of Andrew Sullivan, Wonkette, and Little Green Footballs. Howard Dean's 2003 presidential campaign was largely fueled by a blog that contained daily marching orders for his volunteers.

    It took a few more years before blogging reached the business mainstream. A May 2005 cover story by Businessweek writer Stephen Baker declared "Blogs Will Change Your Business."

    At this point, where blogging is concerned, you might say the rest is history.

    However, the advent of social media sent blogging into the digital Dark Ages and it's taken changes to Google's algorithm (famously known as Penguin and Panda) to spark a resurgence and renaissance.

    (Note: We could also credit individuals like content marketing evangelist Joe Pulizzi and Copyblogger founder Brian Clark, both of whom continually testify to blogging's merits.)

    The yin-yang relationship between blogging and social media is now well established; blogging forms the core of an integrated content marketing strategy, around which social media is a distribution channel and added layer. But why is blogging good for the marketing soul? Here are five reasons.

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