Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Variety Of Ways To Create Residual Income
Copyright © Rahimah Sultan

Residual income is not just limited to multi-level marketing opportunities. There are a variety of ways that anyone can create residual income. Some require more work than others, but the bottom line is that residual income can definitely be made from doing work just one time. Recurring income doing something once is well worth the initial effort, when you compare it to linear income, which is trading hours for dollars. With linear income you get paid once. The job may be recurring but not the money. If you wish to make more money you have to work more hours.

Residual income is not just for those interested in marketing, and MLM is not the only residual income opportunity there is. Opportunities exist in the entertainment industry, publishing, the oil business, real estate and investment.

There are opportunities for residual income in the entertainment field in film acting, music recording and commercials. Usually, a tremendous amount of work is done upfront, and when a movie is shown over and over or a record is purchased or a commercial is aired repeatedly, the artist receives a percentage of the money earned. When a book is published, the author receives money for each one sold.

If an oil company drills on land you own, they have to pay you a cut of the profits for oil that is found. There is no work involved on your part. Is this a great opportunity or what?

Real estate is another big money maker. Many people have made millions buying and reselling property or land. Some rent out apartment complexes and get the residual income in the form of rent from tenants. You can buy some land and let someone build on it and get rent for the lot.

Investments do not have to be huge. If you have a savings account, the interest is residual income. Of course, there are other account types that pay out much larger percentages of interest and compound interest. Stocks and bonds are investment opportunities as well. For the best investment opportunities, seek the advice of a professional or learn for yourself. When using a professional, be sure they are looking out for what’s best for you. In this case, you could say that would be the upfront work.

While these opportunities may not seem very practical to some, they do work for others. Your passion may lie in one of these areas. People do succeed in these areas as a result of following their passions and being persistent. The residual income model has been around a long time. There are so many opportunities to create residual income that almost anyone can find one and become successful.

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