Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Internet Marketing for Fun and Profit
Why are you in the Internet Marketing niche?
People get in to the Internet Marketing niche for various reasons. I would have to say that the biggest reason is to make money. Whether you want to try to make this a full time gig, or make just enough to make a car payment, money is a huge motivating factor.
Unfortunately, people get the wrong idea about just how "easy" it is to actually make any money doing this. In fact, the overwhelming majority of people who actually consider themselves internet marketers don't make one red cent.
Part of the problem is they’re sold a bill of goods. They are told over and over how easy it is to do internet marketing, that they can make money in their sleep, and so on. What they’re NOT told is how much work is actually involved to actually get to that point.
Then there are those who simply don't want to make the effort. They buy product after product, open it up and see that work is involved and stop right then and there. Then they wonder why they’re not having the success with internet marketing that they feel they deserve.
At the end of the day, it comes down to focus and desire. The true desire to succeed, then the power of focus to study and put in to action what they learn.
It also helps a lot to laser focus on one or two particular things at a time. For example, focus on becoming a killer copy writer, or perhaps article marketing, or creating and selling products. In the internet marketing world, there are so many of these sub-niches that it can be hard to focus on just one or two.
So, perhaps you're at that point of trying to focus on one particular thing. Marketing Roadmap Success is one such sub-niche that you can focus on, and right now, you can grab this training cd for free. It even comes with a free sample of our killer marketing newsletter.
Just visit us at:
Grab your free cd - Marketing Roadmap Success - while supplies last.
About the Author: See Profile -----------------------------------------------------
Also check out this home business opportunity>.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Affiliate Marketing Tips For Newbies To Follow To Avoid Early Burnout
I'm going to share some affiliate marketing tips that will no doubt go against the normal stuff that you read online.
However these tips that I'll be sharing will save you from burnout.
I can't guarantee that it will save you from frustration because no matter what affiliate or network marketing business you are in there is always some level of frustration.
Oh one more thing before I do. I'm coming from a perspective if you are building a list and just promoting different affiliate products.
If your goal is just to do Click Bank all day long without building a list then this is not the best article for you.
That being said lets get right into these affiliate marketing tips.
4 Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners To Follow To Avoid Burnout
1. Don't promote just anything
Yes I said it, don't just promote something for the sake of promoting it. Too many affiliate marketers get started, maybe with Click Bank, find a product, and then start promoting it.
They've done no research, have no clue what it does more than likely. They just sell it so they can make money.
I remember I bought a lead scraper product. I initially bought it because it paid a $300 commission. As the months went by I began to think this was a waste. Although it may be a good product for the right person I don't believe in it.
And this brings me to point #2.
2. Be confident in what you are promoting
The only way you can be confident in what you are promoting is if you have the product. It's called integrity. I learned that back when I started full time in the direct sales industry.
You had to be a product of the product. If I was selling life insurance to a couple I better had been convinced that it was worth selling. So I had to have it.
I remember when I used to manage a Sprint kiosk. I knew for the most part if a new hire was going to make it or not whether or not they used Sprint service.
One of the many questions customers will ask a sales person is if they have it themselves. I would proudly whip out my phone and show them that I did.
There's something different about how easy sales come when you promote what you believe in.
3. Stop promoting things that pay small commissions
This is probably one of the biggest affiliate marketing tips that I can share. We all start a career in online marketing whether its through affiliate marketing, network marketing, blogging, whatever.
Nothing is more frustrating than going through all the frustrations of actually making a sale only to see that you got paid a small weeny commission. How demoralizing is that?
It leaves you with barely any motivation whatsoever. And there are THOUSANDS of seasoned and new affiliate marketers out there that are experiencing that same thing.
Such a tragedy until now.
4. Get off everybody's list
Think about this. You are a newbie. Every week or month there always seems to be a new product launch.
If you keep getting these emails about this product and that product and why you should buy it then promote it to your list, guess what's going to happen to you?
Especially since you are new to the game and have no clue what you are doing.
You are going to spend a lot of your money, not use what you bought, try to slam whatever list you do have, not make money, then say this affiliate marketing thing doesn't work, and go off and buy another course that promises to solve that problem.
It's an endless cycle that you can actually avoid if you follow my 4 Affiliate marketing tips for beginners.
Now let's play devils advocate. Let's say you did build a list fast. Here's what happens when you keep promoting all these different affiliate programs, you dilute your list.
They'll get tired of seeing all these sales pitches and unsubscribe.
Or if they don't and they end up buying whatever you are selling, then guess what?
They are now on that guru's list which means their focus is taken from you and now they are getting more and more emails.
A confused mind does nothing.
Remember that.
I WISH I had known this when I got started online back in 2008.
Heck I didn't know the last part that I share with you until earlier this year.
Now I don't even promote anybodys else's product except one.
And my list only gets emails about how I can help them, how my affiliate product can solve their problem, and how they don't have to worry about earning small commissions, they can earn huge commissions.
That's my word.
I realize that there's money in the list and I don't want to promote something just for the sake of promoting to earn a quick sale and mess up my relationship.
So hopefully I was able to share some great information that you the newbie will listen to.
About the Author
If you want to see the affiliate marketing program that I promote that is valuable, I 100% believe in it, pays a big 100% commission, and adheres to all the affiliate marketing tipsclick here.
Article Originally Published On:
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
List Building-how To Choose An Autoresponder Correctly
Autoresponders are the powerful marketing and customer service tool that make your customers desire for instant gratification work to your advantage.
Why is Following Up with Website Visitors Important?
Most website visitors don't order on the first visit. They don't know enough about your offer to order the first visit. If you don't ask for your website visitors opt-in email address when they visit and follow up with them or send a newsletter to them you are losing a significant volume of sales. Experts have shown that it often takes 7 or more marketing exposures before prospective customers purchase.
This article focuses on the features you need to look for when shopping for an Autoresponder. Here's what you need to look for.
1. Easy to use control panel for setting up and managing your responders :: If the control panel is difficult to figure out and the instructions are sparse, you risk sending out the wrong responses, in the wrong order to the wrong people.
2. Multiple responders at an affordable price: One unit just won't do. Even if you are only selling one product, you are likely running more than one campaign. Each campaign should have its own autoresponder. If you are paying over $20 per month for less than 50 autoresponders, you are paying too much.
3. Unlimited follow up messages from each autoresponder: This really puts your business on autopilot. You can choose to send out follow up messages once a month, once a week, or once a day. Remember that it takes an average of 7 impressions before you turn a prospect into a customer.
4. Multiple send addresses: This is a very handy feature if you have more than one online business. You can send all your autoresponder messages right from the same service and use whatever company name and address you wish.
5. Signature file: Your signature file is one of your most effective FREE advertising spaces available. Make sure that your signature file is automatically included with each autoresponder message. Your autoresponder should automatically include your signature file the same way your email program does.
6. Filters: This feature works the same as on your email. If you don't want to receive mail from a specific address or addresses, simply filter them out.
7. Redirect pages: Once your autoresponder has been clicked on, and your message is on route to its recipient, you can redirect your prospect to another page of your site, a thank you page, or a new sales page, perhaps.
8. Form generator: Having the HTML code automatically generated for a professional form takes all the hassle out of form creation.
9. Pop up email capture device: Make it extremely easy for your prospects to subscribe to your newsletter, eZine, eCourse or eBook. With one click, your anonymous visitor istransformed into a valuable subscriber. Your visitor simply clicks "OK" on a pop up window and they are subscribed with no forms to fill out.
10. Personalization: Your response rate to your email will increase 30 - 70% by personalizing your messages. People are more responsive to email that addresses them by name and doesn't look like an advertisement.
There are many places to learnabout list building but I recommend List Building Bulletin. Its a complete course on list building which shows you basic to advance techniques of list building. Youll learn what to do and what not to do while building your list. No matter you are already established or new to internet marketing, this course is must for everyone who is going to do something in email marketing. This course is totally awesome and is available only at for a very short time.
About the Author
Rick is a full time internet marketer, an expert in list building.
Article Originally Published On:
Saturday, December 08, 2012
How Viral Marketing Improves Online Efficiency
Viral marketing is a promotional strategy that has been in use for quite some time and has transitioned over onto the internet quite successfully. The strength behind this particular advertising technique is in its ability to help businesses spread their marketing message a whole lot faster and with less effort. In this way it helps to not only boost your exposure but also your ability to work much more efficiently as well!
Here are 3 significant ways in which any online business can expect to benefit by using this particular promotional strategy.
Time Efficient
Typically this advertising technique involves little more than sharing your marketing message with a relatively smaller crowd who then spread the word. Working online offers the advantage in many cases of automating your efforts even further resulting in greater savings of time! As any entrepreneur will tell you time is money and therefore a precious commodity that should be used wisely!
Cost Efficient
In most cases advertising in a viral manner online involves distributing free reports or leaving business links at social site, forums, bookmarking sites or even blogging. In every case there is little or no out of pocket expenses making this advertising technique very cost efficient!
Energy Efficient
By leveraging the efforts of others you are able to channel the energy you have saved into other areas of your business. As an entrepreneur this is extremely important since most functions and/or business tasks are left up to you to complete. Avoiding fatigue in this way helps you maintain a mental alertness that can be use in more constructive and creative ways. Your mistakes will be minimized and your ability to produce more and stay motivated will benefit as well!
Remember when fatigue does set in your ambition will naturally decrease and as mentioned above and you will be more prone to making mistakes. What happens here is that not only do your miscues create business inefficiencies but they also require more time and effort later on to fix!
The biggest advantage viral marketing offers a business or person is its ability to leverage the efforts of others to spread your marketing message. When this advertising technique is put to use online the benefits it offers magnify due to the automation and global audience the internet can supply! The single biggest advantage this promotional strategy offers is the increase efficiencies a business can experience as reviewed above. It therefore stands to reason that if you can increase efficiency you will also boost productivity thereby leading to greater sales and profits. With that said there seems to be little reason as to why you would not want to include this very effective promotional strategy into your online marketing mix!
About The Author
To learn more about the benefits viral marketing offers your internet business and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your marketing needs simply visit:
The author invites you to visit: |
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Content marketing blog articles is necessary if you are looking to increase your online exposure. An effective content marketing blog strategy can help you acquire the target audience and improve search engine optimization, or SEO. In fact, content marketing is often overlooked by many new bloggers looking to SEO their content.
Content promotion is the foremost contributor to off-page SEO. As you can see, marketing quality content is beneficial to your blog in multiple ways. Let's take a look at how you can increase you blog's exposure via this strategy.
Creating Quality Content Matters
Before you can begin the distribution process of content marketing blog articles, there is an often overlooked step you must perform initially. Far too often, especially among those who are solely looking for SEO juice, bloggers overlook the importance of creating valuable content.
Content marketing is essentially the process of getting to your targeted audience without selling them anything. This is done by providing relevant, informative, and attractive content. Creating high quality content is half the battle with this type of marketing.
Social Media Platforms
As you are probably aware, social media platforms are among the busiest websites online today. Countless users access these websites daily to interact with friends, access news, and entertain themselves. By creating high quality sharable content, you are on your way to effectively marketing content via social media.
While creating sharable content is a great way to increase exposure by potentially going viral, it is necessary to learn to target your audience. In other words, your content marketing strategy is not going to be useful if you simply create a profile and start posting. You need to target people with certain interests and relevant fan pages and groups.
It should also be noted that social media marketing can be a very time-consuming process. Luckily there are social media marketing automation tools that can alleviate the stress of this process. By using various programs, you can schedule your social media posts and focus your marketing efforts elsewhere.
High PR Article Directories
Article directories such are potent sources for article marketing for multiple reasons. These article directories essentially serve as blogging communities in which authors and readers alike read and share content relevant to their interests or niche. This alone is reason enough to start posting high quality content on article directory websites.
In addition, posting content in these article directories can help your blog's SEO efforts. While there are a seemingly limitless number of article directories online today, not all of them are created equal. Among this hoard of directories are high PR article directories.
What does this mean for SEO?
When posting content in high PR article directories, authors are allowed to include backlinks to their blog or another article they've written. Google considers these high PR backlinks to be very valuable. By consistently posting articles in high PR article directories, you are dramatically increasing an article chance of being found on an initial Google search results page. While these are not the only content marketing blog strategies, they are among the most effective.
About the Author
Merv Stevens works in Internet and Network Marketing. For further tips and advice and to learn more about a content marketing blog go to his blog: Wealth Success Ventures. Act now and discover how to earn 100% commissions online by using a simple 3-step process that anyone can do... and it takes only a few minutes a day.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Copyright © Rahimah Sultan
Set a Routine
Set a schedule and stick to it. Decide what days you’re going to publish articles for your home business and get them out on those days. If you’re new to blogging and unable to write articles daily, then do it two or three times a week. Regular posting can enable you to move up in search engine ranking, and it keeps you in front of your audience.
If blogging is only one aspect of your home business, and you’re not in a position to outsource work, you may not have the time to post articles several times a week. In that case, there are many sources for published articles that allow you to republish, as long as you keep the article intact and the author’s resource box.
Be Flexible
Don’t overthink every single detail. Pick a subject you know something about, that’s related to your blog/home business and write about it. Just choose a basic outline and fill in the details, like writing a 350-word school paper for a language class. You make an outline and fill in the details. It can be 250 words. You decide. It’s your blog.
Be Open and Aware
There’s inspiration all around you. Something is happening all the time. Make notes and figure out how to use them for articles. For instance, you read a blog article by another person. Notice how they make their points and tie things together. Check out emails that you get from lists you’re on. See how the titles grab your attention and pull you in to read the information.
So, you set your routine and stick with your schedule. If you can only post once a week, do so but at least that until you’re able to post more often. That should be your absolute minimum goal. You’ll at least stay in practice and in front of an audience.
Don’t over think your articles, but do make the material relevant to your blog and/or home business and informative. And, keep a notebook for jotting down ideas for future articles.
Rahimah Sultan
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Social marketing is important; enough has been said on the matter. Executing that marketing however is a more nuanced affair. It isn't simply a matter of "doing it," there has to be a clear goal in mind, with an overarching ethos and objectives that align with that.
It might sound haughty, especially compared to actual real-life social interaction. But compare "making friends" with "business networking." One is done casually and on a whim, the other is far more determined and precise.
The problem is despite the social nature of social marketing too many SMM approaches think it is just about making friends. Let's address that misconception.
Myth 1: Update Constantly
A social channel with nothing on it is a dead one, and nobody will want to pay attention to it. So nobody will. It's the same as a Friend on Facebook who never posts anything; all they do is lurk. With nothing to contribute, there is no participation in the social community, so there is no reciprocation.
You could fill your company's Facebook Page with loads of updates every minute of every day. And it would all be for naught. Too many updates often drown out your own posts. If your feed is filling so fast that nobody can get the opportunity to see a particular post then it might has well never have been posted.
Also, not all content is created equal. A lot of stuff on your social channel does not necessarily mean there is a lot of content. Content is relevant, engaging, and sharable. General updates are just filler, they could possess nothing that makes them noteworthy. An update is a self-announcement to the world for its own sake; and people may or may not listen.
Do you pay much attention to that "friend" who always posts about how bored they are, how they went to the grocery store, and what they're making for dinner? Not really, because none of those updates pertain to you or engage you in any meaningful way. It's not informative or amusing to your interests, it doesn't affect you.
But content should. Content is news, jokes, information, entertainment.
Likewise, do not be tempted to merely repost or reblog. Doing nothing but reposting other people's content is easy and quick, but there needs to be an element of originality. At the very least, make sure your repostings are unique and come from a diverse and reputable selection; become a content curator. Your originality can come from your selection.
But really, nothing beats material that comes from your own mouth first and can't be found anywhere else.
The Truth: Make relevant content, not just filler updates.
Myth 2: Amass Followers
The measures of success on social channels are Likes, Shares, Subscribes, Mentions, Retweeks, and Followers. These are numbers tallied from a single user performing a single task, usually hitting a button.
Having a hundred-thousand Likes sure looks impressive, but what does it really mean? Are there truly one hundred-thousand loyal fans out there, waiting on your every word and press release? Or have a bunch of people just hit a button one hundred-thousand times.
Answer: It's the latter.
Likes and such are a quick-and-dirty measurement, but really they don't hold up to actual conversions. You don't need Likes just as you don't need tallies on a chalkboard, because that is really all Likes are.
You need an audience base and a way to track them; and more importantly an audience that will follow through on your prompts (conversions). You need people to carry out your calls-to-action, or to help spread the campaign.
You don't want drooling masses following you like hungry dogs gazing after the meat in your hands. You want keenly aware, self-motivated and ambitious minions to take your cues and move themselves forward.
The more time spent coddling followers, the less time spent developing and advancing yourself. Let your audience participate, and in doing so carry some of the workload. Let them spread the campaign, persuade others through recommendations on your behalf, and provide feedback on your products.
Your audience should be doing a task, even if that task is simply to buy into your product. If all they're doing is hitting a thumbs-up button, then they're not doing anything truly meaningful for you.
The Truth: Develop an army of individual assets, not just mindless admirers.
Myth 3: Launch New Advertising
If you want to gain the attention of people on social media you must promote yourselves to them. Use targeted ads relevant to interests, topical events/holidays/events, and saturate their exposure with your presence.
Sounds simple enough. Yet if you follow this to the letter, you'll find yourself completed ignored.
If you see ads for Christmas during Labor Day do you immediately think to start your Christmas shopping when you haven't even gotten your Halloween costume ready? Do political ads at every corner only make you sick and tired of the whole election affair entirely?
These are not effective marketing strategies. Like Myth 1, this is a wasteful overexposure. You don't need fluff, and such launches are just that. A true campaign does not consist of relentless promotion all at once.
A true campaign is designed to win over people who can be assets, not just followers. A campaign gets people to redistribute for you, uses strategies and contests and polls to engage, and employs follow-ups like email marketing to continue keeping the audience in the loop. A proper campaign leads into itself and segues neatly into the next; it is not just one block of commercials brusquely followed by another set.
For example, launching new ads just prior to the holiday season is a slam to the face, meanwhile advertising way too soon only spoils the point of the endeavor. It takes timing.
A campaign is not just a cost, but an investment. It should return multiple values, not just sales. It should bring in leads, new sub-audiences, more accurate demographics, and more people assets.
The Truth: Don't just launch new ads, create a campaign that caters to the bigger picture.
These myths really are just traditional marketing techniques as they apply to existing mediums. But on the Social Web people tend to act, and think, a bit differently. Not in the complete sense, but their priorities change, and often.
Appealing to them less as consumers and more as participants gives them the benefit of living out an experience, which serves to build social bonds. It interacts with the audience on a personal level, which is what social networking is all about. And from a business standpoint it is the most cost-effective, as a properly executed social marketing strategy transfers some of the work onto the audiences themselves.
Correcting these myths is less about going against traditional marketing strategies, because they really don't. But it is imperative that they be followed with this new mindset behind them.
What other "marketing myths" don't quite apply in the social world, or just need a new perspective?
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About the AuthorResident writer and techno-philosopher, Vince likes to look at the state of the Web and online technologies to see where everything is going. Read more of his articles on the Corsair Media Services blog.
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Michele PW Pariza Wacek
Are you struggling to find a new twist for your advertising or marketing campaigns? Tired of sounding like everyone else and want something new and fresh? Never fear. Here are 3 ways to get those creative juices (and new ideas) flowing.
But before I get to those, there are a few things you should do to prime the pump, so to speak. What this does is clear your "conscious" mind so your muse will have an easier time sending messages to it.
First, review all the information about your product or service. Then, write down all the benefits (why customers would buy those products or services).
Now write down all the concepts you have used before or you've seen other people use before. This is an important step. You need to move the old stuff out of the way to make room for the new. Writing those concepts down helps do this.
Okay, now you're ready to start generating some fresh ideas.
1. Take another look at testimonials. Testimonials are always great selling tools, but that's not why I want you to do this. Customers may come up with a key benefit you never thought about before, and that may become the foundation for a new campaign. Scour every testimonial you can get your hands on and see if you can find something new. You might want to even try calling a few customers for quick interviews. (Don't have testimonials? Now might be a good time to solicit some.)
2. Study other ads. Flip through a magazine or turn on the television -- except this time focus on the ads and not the content. (I know, I know, this is counter to what you usually do.) Which ads do you like? Why do you like them? Are those ads doing something you can modify for your own campaign?
The key word is modify, not copy. I don't want anyone committing copyright infringement. What I'm talking about is using an existing ad to jump-start your own ideas. Maybe you really like the use of an evocative photo with a single caption. Or the use of repetition in Mastercard's "Priceless" campaign. Or the idea of turning the "money can't buy everything" on its head (which is essence of that campaign). Can you use that concept in your campaign?
Another resource for great ads is Communication Arts Magazine. Each issue showcases some of the most creative and beautiful ads found anywhere.
3. Check out what a completely different industry is doing. For instance, let's say you sell software products to computer professionals. Techy market, right? So, pick up a yoga magazine. See how that industry communicates with its audience. Now try selling your product using the same language and concepts. Take it a step further and brainstorm ways your software product is similar to doing yoga.
Why this works: One definition of creativity is taking two everyday ideas and combing them so they become something original.
This is a very powerful way to jolt your own thinking and start your muse down a completely different path, one you might never have discovered before.
A variation on this idea is to force a connection with a random object rather than an entire industry. You ask yourself, how is your software program similar to a stuffed dog? Write down everything you can think of, no matter how silly or foolish. Sometimes the foolish ideas are the ones that lead to the great ones.
A final note: If at all possible, don't rush this process. Give your muse some time to ponder and play with these techniques. I know it often seems like ideas pop out into your head out of thin airFree Reprint Articles, but usually that only happens because you've given your muse the necessary tools and "incubation time" to make it happen.
Source: Free Articles from
Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) is your Ka-Ching! Marketing strategist and owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a premiere direct response copywriting and marketing company that helps entrepreneurs attract more clients, sell more products and services and boost their business. To grab your FREE "Ka-Ching! Business Kit" with a FREE CD visit
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Content syndication is actually several different types of marketing done together. These include article writing, blogging and RSS, document sharing, video marketing, press releases, free ebooks, and any other type of marketing that creates content and allows you to offer that content passively.
Now, in my opinion, the best way to get started in using this technique is to start with writing an article. The reason is that you will use this content to create your other content. So, the first thing you will is write an article.
The best type of articles for this type of syndication are list articles. It works best because this allows you to create separate bullet points, and it's easier to convert these into slides to make videos or you can use them to create slides for document sharing. Once you have written your article, then you want to post it to the top article directories and your blog.
Once you have written your article, you'll want to create a document for document sharing. Usually, the best way to do this is to use something like a presentation software like Microsoft Power Point or Open Office Impress. Post this presentation to the document sharing sites.
Next, you'll want to create a video. You can film yourself flippiing through your slides while you are talking about your topic. The important part is to make sure that you keep it short. Don't ramble through the video because you want to stick to the main points and cover those points as quickly as possible.
Find a way to take your article and rewrite it as a press release. Then you can take your press release and submit it to the press release directories.
Chop your article up into Tweets and Facebook posts. You'll want to pair it with the url for the website you used in your article resource box. Spread these out throughout the week and use them to send others back to your website.
I usually write my articles in a text editor. This makes it really easy to just copy and paste my articles to the article directories. However, you can also convert it to PDF. In order to do this, you will need to use a word processing program like Word or Open Office. Once you format it, then conver to PDF.
Find as many ways as possible to recycle your content. It will save you a lot of time in your promotions.
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About the Author
Jinger Jarrett wants to teach you how to market your business online for free. Read this entire series of articles when you visit her blog: Internet Marketing for Free. Get your free internet marketing membership and learn how to market, as well as make money online.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Author: Peter Brusso
It is crucial to ensure your website is definitely built properly. Yes, generally there is actually a framework which one needs to comply with to obtain an effective internet site or blog site. In this particular write-up I will cover some of the most essential fundamentals; however I will not cover everything!
One of the most important things is to make sure you use SEO techniques properly on your website or blog. SEO or search engine optimization can come in three flavors: white, black, or gray. Currently we have observed a war by Google about what they see to be "black hat" maneuvers concerning search engine optimization.
Lots of people say search engine optimization is dead. I really don't believe that at all. Well, it could be that black hat or gray hat SEO is dead and it really should be. An individual needs to always remember exactly why Google is in business. They have to produce a relevant set of data to a search question. In case they don't do that; then they are out of business. So, each of us having an internet site have to ensure that we are without a doubt "Google Friendly"; it's simply that straightforward. Just what that indicates is that we have to use our SEO practices to assist Google in comprehending what our internet site is relevant for. We accomplish that by keyword phrases which detail our field and what the web site is all about.
Next, we have to work with good key words. Doing a good keyword research is paramount for your web properties! What makes a good key phrase? A good keyword has at least 3 factors to it. First it's searched daily, second it has reasonable competition and 3rd a person has bought something with this keyword. Exactly how do you locate keywords like this (best seo practices)? There is undoubtedly software obtainable that one can pay for as well as pros (a seo company can help too) that can find you a number of these keywords to make use of on your internet site.
Use those small number of key words on your internet site and other website properties. On your internet site make certain to employ them in the "ad copy" or words on your website. The next sentence is really important so pay attention to this! Do not go above 2 percent keyword density or it will be viewed by Google as a black hat or gray hat method. In other words assuming that you have one hundred words on your web page then you can use a key phrase two times but no more than that.
Your web page ought to have your telephone number (contact number or the like) in the upper right edge of the webpage; along with, on the bottom of each web page. This permits the prospective customer to contact you and this demonstrates you are there for your clients. This builds a welcoming feeling between you and your potential clients.
Next is actually the utilization of online video. The the majority of profitable websites are populated with awesome video. On the front web page of your online site you ought to have a piece of video welcoming your visitors to the internet site and discussing the advantages of working with you. Use this in order to help build a good connection with your potential patrons.
Clean navigation is crucial for a successful internet site. This means that you put the navigation in typical areas on the internet site. Most frequently employed is actually the left hand side and top of the website as well. Never make it challenging for your customers to find their way throughout your site.
Never ever use inverse video on words you would like to have your users to read. Inverse video, light text on a dark background is twenty five percent more challenging for the human eye to read. And so if you have something to say do not do it in inverse video. You can make your navigation in inverse video to assist it to stand out more as these are not subject to this rule. A word or two in inverse video is actually appropriate and potentially a good thing to utilize.
Lastly, these are but a handful of the best items to take into account for your internet site. As I said these items are important but there are many other ones as well. I will definitely have additional articles based upon internet site structure thus stay tuned to get more on the framework of a successful website.
Peter Brusso
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About the AuthorMr. Brusso has been developing businesses for over 20 years. Many of these from the ground up and with just an idea, he has taken them to success. He is an entrepreneur of some legend. He is has a BS in electrical and electronic engineering, is a pilot, scuba diver, marine corps subject matter expert, and a master martial artist. Visit for more great tips on your website and marketing
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
By Guy Salter
OK so you've chosen a domain name, bought some hosting and your site is live and starting to get seen by the search engines, visitors are browsing it and bit by bit content is being added and the level of interest in your field is growing. You need a way to stay in touch with your audience and let them know you're going to help them as much as you can.
How do you do this?
With an autoresponder service like Aweber which enables marketing by email.
This has got to be one of the best tools at your disposal to do just that. If you're wondering what is an autoresponder, or are unfamiliar with how they work, read on. At some point you may have landed on a webpage then a few seconds later a separate window (often referred to as a squeeze page) appears offering a free report or newsletter, just enter your name and email address and we'll send you XYZ special report completely free.
Sound familiar?
The webmaster behind this is aiming to get you to subscribe to his or her weekly newsletter by offering something free as an incentive for you to join. It makes no difference what the subject is about; it can be anything from health and fitness to cooking or martial arts to fishing. If you have a wealth of knowledge on something, by using an autoresponder you can deliver your messages in a timely manner, daily, every other day, weekly and so on to keep your audience informed and up to date on what you're all about.
By utilizing a follow up service this way, you are building trust in the mind of your prospect with a view to them becoming a much bigger part of your mission, providing you treat them as you like to be treated yourself, respectfully.
What can you expect to see happen when you make full use of such a service?
At first glance subscribers, but over time some of those subscribers could turn out to be very devoted people to your cause, even leading to some new business contacts which in turn may develop into a new concept which proves to be fruitful for all involved. You never know what's around the corner.
A big part of making this work in your favour is in getting to know your audience and asking them what they want, their opinions, feedback and suggestions. Once armed with this new information you can continually strive to improve your efforts in helping them with their needs which makes for a win win situation.
Why not get started with an autoresponder service such as aweber which has all the built in tools ready for you to put to use and let everyone know what you're up to and start getting subscribers. Article Source:
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
When it comes to making money online, most people think that the first thing you need is a website. You can certainly make money in lots of ways when you have your own website, but you don’t need this in order to start bringing in some cash.
The best way to begin – especially if you have limited funds – is to opt for affiliate marketing instead. This is really an offshoot of online marketing in general, and it involves selling products and services for other people. You don’t have to actually handle any products yourself though. Instead you are the ‘middleman’ who connects the potential customer to the product or service you are promoting.
You can do this in lots of different ways but the crux of the matter is that you do not need a website. Instead you can use articles, links and all manner of other methods to successfully make sales. Online marketing companies do employ the same strategies but at a much higher professional level
The first thing to do is to decide what kinds of products or services you would like to promote. There are thousands upon thousands of options out there, so it is important to focus on the best ones that appeal to you. Having an interest in a product will enable you to make more sales, since your natural enthusiasm will help attract more attention. If you try and sell things you don’t believe in, simply to try and make a big sale, you won’t meet with a lot of success. And why shouldn’t you enjoy what you are doing?
Most modern affiliates go straight to affiliate websites to get the links they need. These websites connect would be affiliates with the companies who are looking for people to help them. As such you can join one site such as Commission Junction and use that one account to start promoting several different companies all in one hit.
You can produce articles and web pages about a particular product and then publish them online with your affiliate link. Websites such as Squidoo allow you to do this, as well as some of the other article directories.
Once you start bringing in some money as an affiliate you can invest in your own website. A domain name, some basic hosting and a free Wordpress template can be all you need to get started along this line. Focus on a niche topic that you know sells well and you have a lot of affiliate links for. This should enable you to get the results you need.
Perseverance is probably the key attribute you need to have when you are trying out the world of affiliate marketing. The more you learn, the more you will succeed and the more sales you will make as a result. Make sure you follow online marketing companies and their marketing strategies as well.
Visit For more Info :
There are various means to make money online. Do visit and get detailed information and great insights in affiliate marketing and latest on online marketing companies.
Article Source: Affiliate Marketing As A Means Of Online Marketing
Monday, October 01, 2012
September 28, 2012 | By Kenneth Koh
“Does operating a well-established website like yours require a lot of work? I’m completely new to blogging but I do write in my diary daily. I’d like to start a blog so I can share my personal experience and views online. Please let me know if you have any ideas or tips for new aspiring blog owners.”
Here’s my reply……
Monday, September 24, 2012
Starting Out Successfully In Affiliate Marketing
By Jim Belden
If you are just setting out in
affiliate marketing, you need instruction and guidance from a reliable
source. The following article will prepare you with the basic points of
starting up a career or secondary income with affiliate marketing. The
tips that follow have been compiled from years of experience and from
the voices of industry leaders and professionals from whom you can learn
how to achieve success.Because your website is intended for affiliate marketing purposes, you want to create a very content rich site. Building a website does not require a lot of start-up costs or expertise, but it must be done well to enable you success in the very competitive field of affiliate marketing. You will need to select and register a domain name, which usually runs about ten dollars annually and must be renewed every year. Select a name that represents your niche or business intentions well, and make it easy for people to remember. Building your site is relatively easy to accomplish with the use of available online tutorials and videos, or you may hire a site builder.
A laptop is most convenient for your affiliate marketing needs considering its portability, or a good smart phone to keep you in constant communication with your site, affiliates, or just to monitor activity relevant to you. Prior to launching your constructed site, you will need to choose a web host that will keep your business online with few interruptions and at the best price. Do a little research to discover which hosts are most reliable, and be sure not to sign up for necessary options you really may not need. Keep a constant eye on your site to make sure it runs well and accommodates visitors sufficiently. A well designed site that is user-friendly will see many more return customers.
Generating traffic to your site can be accomplished in a number of ways, and you will want to capitalize on all of them. You can blog about your niche and join forums, or even start a new forum to discuss and promote the products and services of your affiliates. Marketing articles, which conclude with your affiliate link, can be posted to many different venues and relative sites. Networking is crucial to you as an affiliate marketer, so talk to as many people as possible, employ the use of social networks, and be as professionally friendly as you can with everyone you encounter. Various services exist to increase traffic for you also, like backlinking companies who will expand your reach, and even earn your site higher rankings with search engines.
Do a thorough background investigation on any prospective affiliate programs. Search Google using their name with the word "scam" or "reviews" to see if there are major gripes about them in circulation. Not only does your reputation ride on their good name, but the quality of your affiliate marketing associates can have a significant impact on your earnings potential. Make sure you believe in whatever product or service you will be promoting for smoother business operations, greater success and far fewer headaches.
Select a few available affiliate marketing programs your research has deemed trustworthy, and contact them. Although signing up with multiple partners may be good for your bottom line, starting small is better for beginners. Once you have polished your skills, expanding to many programs, or even different niches will be much easier and easier executed with greater success. Networking within your affiliate partnerships is also recommended; find out who they enjoy working with and who to avoid.
Take advantage of the tools your affiliate marketing programs supply you with. You can track visitors with ease and determine where you need to implement changes or what techniques are working well for you. Since your marketing partners are already experienced, you have much to learn from their tactics and much to gain with the use of their tools.
Once you have established your site and working partners, you need to designate a population to market to. If you are promoting for example, SEO building software, you need to mingle with the appropriate targeted market to promote your affiliate links and need not be hobnobbing with medical professionals or other off-topic populations. Get to know the industry inside and out, and plant yourself firmly in the niche population that are most apt to want the products and services offered by the affiliates in your link.
Be prepared to devote considerable time to your affiliate marketing business, especially in the beginning. Although it is a passive form of income, you definitely need to be active in it until it can stand on its own and generate revenues independent of your constant involvement. Make sure to invest in a comfortable working environment, such as a supportive office chair. Bookmark sites that educate, inform and prepare you for the work ahead and follow the leaders and trend setters of your niche or industry. In the highly competitive field of affiliate marketing, preparation and current knowledge are vital to your success.
After following the advice above, you will be well prepared and ready to start earning money with a website devoted to your affiliate marketing partnerships. Stay hungry for new information, and keep on top of industry trends to be competitively fit in affiliate marketing. With time, patience and effort, you will forge a successful place for yourself as an affiliate marketing professional.
About the Author
Remember that the reason to start an affiliate marketing home business is to give you the time and financial freedom to live the life YOU want. For one of the quickest, most effective ways to learn affiliate marketing check out Niche Affiliate Marketing System and start building your profitable online business today.
Monday, September 17, 2012

An online home business hobby could help to pay the monthly household bills or buy a few extras for you and your family, like a holiday or a new car. And, if you become successful with your new online home business may even be able to quit your regular day time job as you earn sufficient money with your home business.
Everybody has different interests and hobbies. Some of us enjoy reading books, listening to music or watching movies while others are into sports and travelling to new places. The list is almost endless from gardening to flower arranging to pets. Our interests and hobbies help us to relax and forget the everyday problems of modern life. But not everyone has a hobby that makes money, except, of course, if you have a job you absolutely love.
That is why so many people today start their own online home business. Their reasons are either to supplement their income or to gradually replace their offline income they get from their job. Affiliate marketing is a great way to start if you want to set up an online business.
What is Affiliate Marketing?Affiliate marketing is when you, as a seller (or affiliate) promote a product from a merchant and earn a commission when somebody buys it from you. The great advantage of affiliate marketing is that you can make money in a business where you don’t have the upfront costs of creating your own product, and you don’t have to worry about stock, e-commerce or fulfilment as this is all part of the merchant’s responsibility.
Before you start affiliate marketing with your own online home business, you first need to decide first what interests you. This is where a connection to your hobbies comes in. What products or subjects do you know about and which products you could do the best job of selling and what would you enjoy selling? For example, if you don’t like cooking it is going to be very hard for you to sell a recipe course!
Once you discover your specialty you will need perseverance, patience and determination. These are the qualities you need to be a good affiliate marketer.
Why do online business owners not succeed?Too many home online business owners do not succeed because they become impatient. You also have to know what your strengths are, the things in which you are good at and your capabilities and abilities. And ,most importantly, you have to have a strong desire to succeed with your new online home business.
Setting up a new online home business and being an affiliate marketer is not an easy task. You have to learn the techniques of marketing your product or service and you have to be willing to learn and to be taught new skills.
You need to know how to promote your website effectively to encourage potential customers to visit it. The more visitors you have, the more sales you will make.
Your Online Home Business needs to be Long-term BusinessYou need to look at the future value of your online home business and avoid building a short-term business where you just make a small sale. Make sure you understand that you are building a long-term business and not just something that makes you a little cash on one sale.
You need to know how to upsell your visitors for high value products services. This will in turn make you become recognised as an expert in your field and making money will be easier.
Just by having affiliate links to your website will not bring you big profits. Successful affiliates make use of strong marketing campaigns for their affiliate programs to drive traffic and sales.
Successful online home business owners treat their customers or online visitors like friends. Make a commitment to establish relationships with your customers and especially with visitors to your site. It is very important for an affiliate marketer to have a good business relationship with customers or visitors.
You should also be creative. The real key to being successful with affiliate marketing is to develop a good content based website and weave your affiliate links into all your content. You have to provide your prospects with good, quality content to keep them coming back to your site.
To learn how you can quickly set up and start earning with your own genuine online business from a fast growing profitable market without, any previous training, knowledge or even your own products to sell go to
Monday, September 10, 2012
Luckily for those of us struggling to attract traffic to our content, there are various proven article marketing tips that can help. As most of you know, a blog can serve as a powerful base for your online business. Your blog, or business website in some cases, hosts an online library of content related to your business venture. The content contained in your blog is often a major contributing factor to your financial success.
While your blog serves as the base and end of your sales funnel, it is important to build the rest. In essence, your blog content is worthless without an audience. Without an audience, your blog might as well be a personal diary. If you're in the market for article marketing tips, I'm sure building an online personal diary isn't your aim. There are a number of ways to build a traffic funnel. Various article marketing tips are amongst these methods.
Have You Tried Social Media?
Lead generation serves as the lifeline to all online business ventures. Without leads it is simply impossible to improve and expand your entrepreneurial mission. Pointing out the importance of lead generation is much easier to do than actually generating leads. Or is it?
Now we're getting somewhere. Are you aware that you can actually generate leads by using Facebook. Today, social networking websites serve as incredibly profitable marketing opportunities. These social media platforms are filled to the brim with consumers.
Targeting these websites with massive amounts of traffic is a no brainier for any internet marketer. I challenge you to find a successful business that fails to have a recognizable presence on either Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. In business, it’s always crucial to bring your product or service to the forefront. Like it or not, these highly frequented websites are marketing hotbeds.
How Many Backlinks do You Have?
At this point in your entrepreneurial venture, you’re certainly aware of the value of making the first page of Google search results. If you're business doesn't appear on the initial results page, it's going to prove rather difficult to attract any traffic from that specific keyword search.
Learning to increase your blog's search engine value and validity is definitely one of the most valuable and promising article marketing tips. Blogging on an authority website is an easy way to bolster your blog. These recognized blogging platforms are already highly valued by Google and any content hosted on them inherits similar respect.
In addition, the value of backlinks should never go overlooked while marketing online. To appear on the first search results page, your articles need a considerable number of backlinks. These backlinks can be created by posting links to your content on websites all over the internet. Luckily, there are a number of useful article marketing tips that help you to do so.
Search Engine Optimization
Using an authority blogging website and creating numerous backlinks are not the only available article marketing tips. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a format in which your content can be created to maximize its exposure.
By writing your articles within this format and emphasizing targeted keywords, you do some serious work towards appearing on that coveted initial results page. Learning SEO is not only beneficial, but necessary! An article marketing tips blog entry would not be complete without mentioning the famed SEO.
Merv Stevens works in Internet and Network Marketing. For advice and help on finding the best article marketing tips go to his website: Act now and discover how to earn 100% commissions online by using a simple 3-step process that anyone can do.
Article Source: 3 Article Marketing Tips That Should Not Go Overlooked
Monday, September 03, 2012
Copyright (c) 2012 Scott F Paradis
Our universe functions in a certain, predictable way. Systems operate in defined cycles - in accordance with definite processes. All life conforms to cycles of birth, growth, maturity, decline and transition. It's the way things are. This is a reality we cannot escape.
Scientists, philosophers and theologians have labored for millennia to unlock the mysteries of how life works. What the wise and the insightful have revealed are elemental principles of how to survive, how to produce, and how to thrive. Successful people have shown that by applying a few fundamental principles anyone can in fact flourish. To succeed we just need to master these fundamentals.
While a thorough explanation of the principles of success can fill volumes the fundamentals can be defined in three simple statements:
1. Life intends to expand.
2. Thoughts become things.
3. Reward is proportionate to contribution.
From the most loving and courageous to the most violent and discontented among us, every human being obsesses about getting the same thing: more. Longing for more is a condition of living. All creatures, all of creation seeks to grow, to multiply, to become more. Life is an ever-expanding proposition. Your reason for being, your purpose in life is to grow, to contribute, to become. You are meant to add value. Resisting growth, failing to move forward, destroying instead of building are futile. Life demands growth. Choosing not to conform to life's intention means ultimately being swept aside. Life intends to expand.
Thought is energy, a powerful creative form of energy. Through mind comes power to influence creation - the circumstances and experiences of life. Through the power of thought, the things people think about begin to take shape. By focusing thought, experiences are cultivated and made manifest. Thought shapes how we interpret what is and what comes to be. Thought energy produces tangible things. Most people, unaware of this truth, mistakenly believe we operate in a world of chance, luck and disorder. The reality is, if one is willing to put forth effort and discipline thought he or she can form circumstances into nearly any object of desire. Thought works on automatic pilot. Unfortunately too many people avoid thinking deliberately and they experience less than optimum circumstances. Thoughts become things.
And finally, to prosper in life we need to recognize excellence requires effort. Compensation is proportionate to contribution. We receive only after giving. This is a dualistic reality. Forces are in motion counterbalancing one another. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Only by applying energy - by putting forth effort - do we bring forth results. Weak effort ushers forth feeble results. Strong effort produces grand results. We reap what we sew. To receive we must first give. To get much we must give much. That is just how life works. Reward is proportionate to contribution.
These fundamental principles of success work synergistically. The fastest route to an exceptional life is by consistently conforming to the way life works. Take on challenges to force yourself out of your comfort zone - stretch and grow. Constantly focus your thought energy on producing worthwhile circumstances and life-affirming experiences. And put forth effort that corresponds with your magnificent potential. No shortcuts exist. The means to succeed in life are simple but demanding. To live a full and fulfilling life embrace and master the fundamental principles of success.
About the Author
Scott F. Paradis, author of "Success 101 How Life Works: Know the Rules, Play to Win" focuses on the fundamental principles of leadership and success,
Monday, August 27, 2012
Having return visitors is the goal of any good blogger simply because it is a sign that yours is an interesting blog! As nice as it is to have loyal blog readers for the sake of validating your content creation efforts, their return offers 3 other huge advantages as well!
Referrals When blog readers find something they really like they tend to seek out others with whom they can share it! This is one of the benefits a good blogger can expect once they've entice enough people to come check out their site. If what people find upon landing on your platform is to their liking your site is immediately regarded as an interesting blog worth sharing with their friends, family and colleagues! It should be noted here that the traffic you get from referrals like this is typically targeted and comes with the 'endorsement' of those doing the referring! This is a form of social proof and a very strong way to expand your presence online! Social Proof While we're on the subject of social proof, this is exactly what any comments left or any ongoing discussions imply to new visitors! Blog readers like most other people online tend to 'scan' more than they read, at least initially, when surfing the internet! With that being said anytime somebody new lands on your platform it is not unusual for them to first check for comments! What this tells people is that the platform has a following which leads them to assume that you're a good blogger! Now if your content backs up their assumption you stand a good chance of gaining a new and loyal follower!
Increased Earnings Many are blogging to earn an income but this is difficult to do with people who are new to your site! Much like email marketing, your ability to successfully sell to your readers increases the more familiar and comfortable they become with you! Once people have decided you have an interesting blog they normally return to view more of the FREE content you offer! As time passes these same people develop a deeper understanding and trust of you which helps to increase your marketing effectiveness! Return visitors are ultimately what every good blogger strives for because it is a good indication that you have an interesting blog! As much as having loyal blog readers may 'pamper your pride' this loyalty also helps contribute to your success as the 3 advantages discussed above demonstrate! The point here is that having people return to your platform can also help you build more traffic and even sales without much added effort! Simply stated the efforts you invest to develop loyal blog readers eventually will be rewarded by the 3 'dividends' discussed here today!
About the Author
TJ Philpott
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. To learn more about the advantages having return visitors to your blog gives you and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit:
Monday, August 20, 2012
The other day I was researching the internet for MLM recruiting techniques. I've been in and around this business long enough to know what the usual suspects were as far as recommended recruiting techniques are concerned, so I wanted to see what else has come along in the years since I was first introduced to MLM and techniques in MLM recruiting.
Much to my surprise and chagrin, I found that many of the MLM recruiting techniques were the same as they were over ten years ago, when I first got involved in the MLM and network marketing industry! Let's review just a couple of these techniques and break them down so you can understand why, if you are using them, you are probably not as successful as you thought you would be by now:
MLM Recruiting Technique #1: Warm market. Anyone who has been involved in MLM and its recruiting techniques for ANY length of time (and I do mean ANY, including only one day) knows this tired old recommendation. Make a list of friends, family and co-workers, and share your business opportunity with them. One blog I read stated the reason why this is so effective is that you have the benefit of pre-established trust. That, in my opinion, is the main reason it is not effective at all! You try to come across as wanting to "share" an opportunity with the ones you love; however, let's face it - the bottom line is you are trying to sell them on the business so you can make money. You have no idea if they are truly qualified to run a business such as this, and if they fail, your warm prospect will most likely run cold. I speak from experience; for a while after my first attempt at MLM recruiting, several close friends avoided me like the plague, or if they didn't, they had that blank, distant stare with the big wall up between us every time I struck up a conversation that wasn't completely personal and light-hearted. As I've mentioned before, I am involved in a few network marketing companies; with each successive one I joined, I've avoided this recruiting technique like the plague, no matter how hard my upline pushed me to do it.
MLM Recruiting Technique #2: Local prospecting, or cold market recruiting. This has to be by far the toughest and most ineffective, yet also most common method that has been passed down repeatedly throughout the MLM/Network marketing industry. In this MLM recruiting technique you are told to get business cards, carry them with you at all times, and strike up a conversation with everyone you come in contact with in the course of your day, from your bank teller, to the barista at your local Starbucks, to the gas station attendant filling up your car. Make it brief, don't tell the whole story; just pique their interest enough so that they want to learn more. Make yourself look very busy with not a lot of time to discuss it then and there, but set up an appointment when you can meet. Wow, where do I begin with all that is wrong with this MLM recruiting gem?!
First, they give you no solid guidelines for creating a business card. The stock models they supply you with violate all the rules of lead generation marketing; they are useless. They are nothing more than an image ad. We, as individual network marketers, do not have large enough advertising budgets like Nike, for example, to advertise only our image without any information offered or call to action for the prospect to take the next step towards becoming your customer or, in our case, a member of your network marketing downline. This type of marketing is extremely ineffective for our purposes.
Second, when actually recruiting for your MLM business, how many of you are truly an expert at opening up a conversation and finding out a complete stranger's deepest desires or worst problems that they need a solution for, within 5 minutes? If you are, are you also able to convince them that you are the one with the answer to all their issues in that same 5 minutes? If you do that regularly as well, are you able to set up a future appointment with them to tell them about the great opportunity you have before those 5 minutes are up? If you accomplish that on a consistent basis, please think about how many people actually show up for this presentation. Be honest. How well has this recruiting technique worked for you? I'm sure many people will say that this technique is their bread and butter, that is how they got hundreds in their downline, and that it works, to which I say, congratulations! It is not an easy task, and the average person cannot accomplish all those MLM recruiting steps with any solid repeatable significance. To those that do, though, I pose these questions to you: Is it really an efficient recruiting technique for your MLM business? Does it mostly depend on you and the time you spend with each potential downline member? If it does, how much time are you dedicating to this, and what is your conversion rate? Is it worth all the time you spend on it?
Once again, and this is my opinion only, but it bears repeating that those are two of the biggest MLM recruiting techniques which I see as an equation for failure. "So Denise," you ask, "what MLM recruiting techniques DO you recommend? I just don't know what else to do besides that, that's what MLM recruiting is all about, sharing the business opportunity with anyone and everyone!" Well, I'm glad you asked. In my MLM recruiting system, I remove myself from the equation until the right moment, when I know I will be spending time only with qualified leads. For the rest of it, I use automated lead generating systems that take me out of the equation and provide me with more free time to do other, more productive tasks, and/or spend quality time with my loved ones.
Which leads me to this wonderful news: there are better, more efficient ways to recruit for your MLM business. Thanks to technology and the internet, as I already mentioned, most of it can be completely automated so you are free to do other things, and I will be revealing the components of this automated system in future articles.
Stay tuned for other articles where I will point out the problems with MLM and Network Marketing recruiting and give you solutions so that you too can become a successful network marketer.
Learn more about MLM recruiting techniques by checking out what Denise Martino is doing. These valuable techniques are what enabled her to go from just a really loyal preferred customer in her organizations to an extremely successful network marketer. Follow her blog where she regularly posts content that will help you explode your MLM business!
Article Source: MLM Recruiting Techniques - Why Traditional Methods Fail
Monday, August 13, 2012
As the economy begins to recover from a long recession-inspired hibernation period, service firms are starting to reconsider the way they design their lead generation services. In fact if your company is planning to rev up your outbound marketing, your first step should be to re-evaluate your firm's ideas about what works and what doesn't. There are several misconceptions and myths around the lead generation process. However those misconceptions need to be categorically removed in order to realize the full potential of lead generation services that can lead to more production and better ROI for your marketing time and dollars.
Misconception about role of cold calling and in lead generation services
Service firms generally do not pay much importance to cold calling, terming it as unproductive. Yet used correctly, cold calling can be astonishingly effective lead generation device that can yield excellent results and that too quite quickly. Of course there are many ways that you can try cold calling and fail, but then if you follow some tried and tested cold calling strategies you will stand a better chance to generate above average return on investment.
Using website for optimizing lead generation services
When you're buying something for your business, you are bound to visit the website of the vendor firm at some point in the buying process. What you find on the website highly influences your buying pattern and decision. Therefore, the common misconception that the websites are there just to maintain web presence and have no role whatsoever in attracting new clients must be debunked. In fact websites can attract visitors and generate queries and produce leads from search engines, events and seminars registrations, and can act as a point of sales.
Lead generation services focused on capturing more new leads
Statistics show that more than 80% of generated leads are never followed up on, discarded, or mishandled. Instead of nurturing the lead they already have at hand service firms focus on capturing new leads, which in turn yields negative results. In fact proper nurturing and follow up can improve lead conversion rate and subsequently increase gross annual profit substantially.
Direct mail as a vital part of lead generation services
Several service vendors believe that direct mails don't work when it comes to generating good quality leads. However direct mailing tactic can be extremely successful if applied judiciously. Interestingly drafted mails can attract the attention of the target audience and incite curiosity among them about your offerings. Direct mail programs allow you to target on a specific group of people who are more likely to need the products and services your company offers. This implies that direct mail campaigns can fetch a higher ROI than mass advertising programs consisting of TV or print advertisement.
Lead generation services can help produce sales ready leads only if the common misconceptions around the process are carefully squashed. By doing so, companies can make best use of incredible tactics that are inadvertently written off as ineffectual and generate the leads that your competition is missing out on.
Article Source:
About the AuthorCelena Watson - Passionate writer and blogger. I have written on many different topics which include inbound sales, lead management, IT & services, social media optimization, demand generation and many more. For more info go to sales and marketing outsourcing firms
Monday, August 06, 2012

Got your goals set and your motivation and systems in place? Great! Now let's look at five ways to stay focused on keeping focused, especially on long-term goals.
Focus is a problem even for the most experienced goal-setter. In fact, getting distracted is one of the biggest problems in goal achievement. Try these five methods to keep focused and your eye on the prize:
This may sound a bit silly since you've already been through the goal-setting stage. Shouldn't that mean you're already committed? But, some people who are really good at setting goals and getting started, forget that they actually have to show up until the goal is reached. That's why I recommend having you think through your "why" and restate your commitment to doing what it takes to "get 'er done."
Think of standing at the altar with your beloved and going through the marriage ceremony, including the "'til death do us part" section. You may be in love with that person and want to create a fabulous future together, but until you make that official commitment, your dedication may be temporary. Commit to your goal the way you'd commit to a partner.
Slow down
If you're a natural go-getter, doing a lot of "stuff" but you may not necessarily be doing the RIGHT stuff. As a result, you waste energy on tasks that aren't directly contributing to your ultimate goal, and start new "projects" in the process.
Often I am approached by new entrepreneurs who excitedly rattle off a list of ten new projects and ask me if they are good ideas. The answer is "yes" ten times; "but now pick one and stick to it until it's done."
In other words - Slow Down! Before you take on any additional projects consider how it's going to affect your ability to devote needed resources towards your current goals. Before you start anything else, would you be better off sticking with the pile of goals that are already partly completed? Take a deep breath and try to be a little more Zen. Your slow and steady pace will pay off when you save yourself from burn-out.
Don't expect immediate payoff
As I mentioned above, some of you may be blessed with "entrepreneurial ADD." You try something, it works for a little bit, and then it gets kind of boring, or the original results start to diminish. That's when you switch and try something else. You repeat the process until you have a shelf full of diet books or a computer hard drive full of half-finished projects. Stop!
Success comes not from the first five sit-ups you do in your workout today, but from the last five sit-ups you squeak out at the end of your workout. You know, the ones you do when you think you're too tired to do any more.
Likewise, success comes from the last five emails you force yourself to send, or the last five cold calls you make after everyone else has gone home for the day. Aim to push yourself to the edge - and then go a little further. Results take time.
Set aside some time each day
If you tend to be a "starter" rather than a "finisher," you may need more structure to your time. One technique for staying the course is to set aside a specific block of time each day to focus on your goals - AND ONLY your goals. That means no checking email, no combing the dog, and no phone calls.
Time set aside for your goals could be as little as fifteen minutes or as long as an hour. What matters is making this time a habit; this is the time you "punch in" each and every day to work on your long-term projects. This discipline will move you forward, bit by bit, if you are consistent.
Reward yourself for focus, not just for accomplishments
While it's great to have rewards in place for when you achieve your goals, it's important for those of us who tend to lose focus to reward ourselves for the effort and focus, not just accomplishing our goals.
Rewards for focusing on our goals could be as simple as allowing yourself to check email, or, going for coffee with a friend.
It really works! I know because I use this technique all the time. In fact, I'm going to go relax and watch "Grey's Anatomy" right after I finish this section. Good jobFree Reprint Articles, me!
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